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151.9 hrs on record (12.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
12 hours in and that was almost in one sitting, gotta say im kinda hooked!

Normaly all my gaming time goes into WoW, but with this game i forgot all about wow, and that is a huge compliment from me :)

Clearly a 5/7 game!
Posted 11 April, 2020.
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273.0 hrs on record (174.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First you buy the game then, you stary playing it. Then one day maybe after 60 hours you think uhh im the champ. Then you see there are mods for the game, 100 hours more into the game, and still trying out new stuff :D
Posted 21 February, 2018.
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7.1 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's great fun if you like the TD type games, but i do think 20€ is abit much for what you get. The first games of this type that i played was a free mod for WC3FT. So from that to now having to pay 20€ for just one game type.

I would wait for a 40% off or more.
Posted 7 January, 2018.
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70.0 hrs on record (60.3 hrs at review time)
If you liked harvest moon you will like this game.

I found this very much enjoyable, it reminded me of the game called harvest moon that i used to play on gameboy. Of course this game has more to it, but the premise is the same.
Posted 9 September, 2017.
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24.4 hrs on record (18.8 hrs at review time)
Really liking this game still, it's a great cheap game if you like TD. And if you like td's this is something for you! I used to play so many TD's back in wc3 ft mod scene. I played all kinda TD's, but i also always enjoyed Line tower wars, i have never found a game like that after. If i want to play that kinda game/mod i go wc3.

This game is almost that game, go play you wont regeret if you can relate to the piece above!

Have a good one ;)
Posted 21 August, 2017.
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43.0 hrs on record (13.5 hrs at review time)
I bought this game, because i love pve and this game only has this. And also because that i love building, and playing on and on, on the same map/castle call i what you like.

This games give alot in terms of getting to build a castle, and a town. There is good industry but i whised there was some more upgrades that was able to be done. The fighting in the game, i feels abit slugish, i found it kinda hard at the start. I think my first invasion i kinda just died, then 2nd game i was more prepared, i knew abit about what to build. But the crafing/building in this game is kinda long, and i play with x4 speed. At that speed you get to enojy!

There are ups and down, but i really feel for the price og if and the time you can enjoy it makes it a fair buy right now. But this game can become much more! This game was out 20. jul. this year, imaggine what will be added on, if there would be workshop integration it would be a great plus for me!

Posted 21 August, 2017.
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314.3 hrs on record (222.9 hrs at review time)
I love the game, over 200 hours in less than a month tells the tale. I feel like i have seen soo much, but still missing out doing trading exploring, engineers. And now new update 2.3 is comming today with multicrew i can't wait to board my m8's cutter og when i get a vette and have them join me on my bridge :D
Posted 11 April, 2017.
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87.3 hrs on record (76.5 hrs at review time)
I don't care what ppl are saying about the end game and sutch!!!

I love the game, i am having soo mutch fun with my m8's playing together. The way you can join other with ease, and them you is just awesome!

I can't rember the last time i had soo mutch fun with a game!
Posted 19 March, 2016.
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12.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
Is fun abit mystry some of the thing you can, i would advise you to read abit of guides.
Posted 31 October, 2015.
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59.0 hrs on record (59.0 hrs at review time)
If you like long games, where you can get to dominate the entire world, whilst dealing with building an empire, you are goning to love this game!
Posted 30 October, 2015.
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