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1 person found this review helpful
177.3 hrs on record (39.4 hrs at review time)
Thank you Sony for reversing course and listening to feedback.

Helldivers is a great game to play with friends.
Posted 5 May, 2024. Last edited 6 May, 2024.
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29.6 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
This was a fun game but a recent update made it unplayable. My friend group has found it to be impossible to join each other's games. It used to work, and now it doesn't.
Posted 24 May, 2022.
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12.7 hrs on record (11.2 hrs at review time)
This is a fun game for anyone regardless of your favorite game genre. I personally didn't think I would find a game like this to be so charming and well made, but from the first time I fired it up I've been impressed.

I wish there were more game developers out there like the people who made Stardew.
Posted 12 December, 2021.
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40.1 hrs on record (39.7 hrs at review time)
This game is short. Way too short for the $60 price tag. I can't remember how much I paid, but I think it was $20 or less. The campaign is only 4 or 5 hours long, and that's if you stop to read every note, pick up every item, and fully explore every area.

Another disappointment is the re-appearance of the police station from RE2. It was literally, copied and pasted in. Even the combinations which open certain locks are exactly the same as in RE2.

Other than those complaints, the game is good. There are no bugs, the graphics and animations are great (for the most part).

The game is disappointing compared to RE2, but I recommend getting it if you can buy it at a heavily discounted price, like I did.
Posted 29 December, 2020.
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62.2 hrs on record (25.1 hrs at review time)
It's halo, mostly like you'd expect. It's great being able to play reach at 1440p and 60 fps. I can't wait for Halo 2 and 3 to come out as well.
Posted 1 April, 2020.
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44.0 hrs on record
This is seriously one of the greatest games ever made. I just got done re-playing it in 2019, and let me tell you, it still holds up.

If you haven't played this game, you definitely should. Worth every penny. Or wait for a sale.
Posted 26 October, 2019.
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37.8 hrs on record
I had no expectations for this game. I saw it on sale for cheap and thought, "what the heck! I'll give it a shot."

Now I'm 37 hours in, and I can say that it was money well spent. I'm now looking forward to Dying Light 2 and plan on buying it. I wouldn't pay full price for this game, but that isn't really saying anything since I don't pay full price for any game, basically.

Good zombie killing game, with a decent story. Most of the combat is hand to hand (with melee weapons like knives, machetes, hammers) but it's a lot better than you would think. Later in the game there are guns, but even when I had some guns and a decent amount of ammo, I always found myself going back to my melee weapons.

Posted 13 March, 2019.
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109.8 hrs on record (38.3 hrs at review time)
Guys, look... You should buy Far Cry 5, especially if it's on sale. All of the complaints people are making about this game are petty. Let me go through some of them and clarify what makes this game good.

"Graphically inferior to Far Cry 4".... If you think this, then you must be living on another planet. Far Cry 4 is NOT a well optimized game. Far Cry 5 is, and even that aside, the graphics are GREAT. Far Cry 5 looks and plays 100x better than its predecessors. It IS graphically demanding, but the performance is MUCH more consistent. Far Cry 4 (and 3) had a stuttering problem... Running it with V-sync on was difficult and compromised game responsiveness. This is NOT an issue with Far Cry 5. Very happy with what they've done with the engine and game graphics.

"Story is horrible"
This one actually has a grain of truth to it. Let me break it down: The intro to this game is fantastic. Totally phenominal. Seeing the intro on YouTube was one of the things that prompted me to buy the game. This is important because it makes the setting of the game interesting.... You're in rural America trying to take down a militant, oppressive, cult.

Now, here are my complaints: the three bad guys that are under the main bad guy... they're pretty boring. There is a lot of wasted potential there. They definitely could have explored the antagonists a lot more. It's kind of sad that they can't make a bad guy as freaky as Vaas was in FC3. Also, the ENDING IS DISAPPOINTING. EXPECT THE ENDING TO DISAPPOINT YOU. If you go in to the ending expecting it to disappoint you, then you'll come out of it just fine. And you can keep playing after the last mission too, going back and doing more side missions, etc.

All in all, I think the story is better than the story of Far Cry 4, but not as good as Far Cry 3. But the good news is it doesn't at all get in the way of game play.

"Co-op is broken"
I didnt' get the game at launch, so I can't attest to what it was like back then, but I've played this whole game almost exclusively on Co-op. Your parter can do ANYTHING with you. (Story missions, outposts, side missions). This is a HUGE improvement over Far Cry 4 where you could pretty much ONLY do outposts and radio towers with your partner.

In theory, you could play the whole game from beginning to end without needing to kick out your partner for any reason. Also, YOU KEEP GUNS AND PERKS EARNED IN CO-OP MODE. The ONLY things you don't keep when you go back to your own file, are story related.

This is a solid game. I would give it an 8/10. Graphics are great, gameplay is great, co-op is great. Very little complaints. They could have gotten a 10/10 if they had a better ending and explored the personalities of the antagonists a little bit more.

Solid reccomendation.
Posted 7 December, 2018.
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134.2 hrs on record (89.7 hrs at review time)
This game completely saved the Far Cry franchize. It's an excellent game, with a compelling story, great gameplay, and lots of interesting cinematic events.

You play as Jason Brody, an urban rich kid who decided it was a good idea to vacation on a remote island with his friends and two brothers. The group gets captured by a phsychotic slave trader, drug dealer, and killer. Miraculously Jason escapes, and finds that the only way to save his friends is to walk the "path of the warror".

As cheesy as it sounds, it's actually really well done. Like I said, compelling story. If you still don't believe me, watch the intro to the game on YouTube.

I first played this game back in 2012 on a GTX 570, and even on high end hardware it was hard to get good performance. Finally today in 2018 with a GTX 1060 I can run this game maxed out at 1440p.

So just keep that in mind. Even though it's an old game, it's really demanding. But on current 10 series cards from Nvidia, it should run just fine.

Highly reccomended. This game is going to go down in history as a classic.
Posted 2 December, 2018.
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0.0 hrs on record
Dear Valve,

I love my steam link. It streams my games flawlessly from my office PC to my livingroom TV. The latency is excellent. I can even use my bluetooth Xbox One controller. I can even connect TWO Xbox One controllers for split screen games like "Duck Game" or "Dirt Showdown".

When I heard you're stopping production of the steam link, I was mornful. I love my steam link and I reccomend it to all my friends. All I can say is this: I hope the spirit of steam link lives on. I hope you continue to make livingroom and in-home streaming more viable. And I hope someday the Steam Link comes back.
Posted 27 November, 2018.
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