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233.1 hrs on record (108.9 hrs at review time)
Posted 26 November, 2019. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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3.2 hrs on record
Season Pass imam al nije zelen vidit kad instaliram
Posted 18 January, 2019.
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13 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Posted 22 March, 2018.
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23.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Odlični ležerni nogać koji će vas isti tren prikovati za ekran i početi krasti vrijeme, a vi ćete sami sebi govoriti još samo ova runda. Ovo je prva igra koju sam kupio dok je u razvoju još pred godinu dana i još uvijek ima mjesta za napredak i poboljšanje iako me brine pomalo jer je prilično dugo već u razvoju. Potpunu recenziju ću napisati kad bude igra zgotovljena! ;)
Posted 30 October, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2016.
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0.8 hrs on record
- It should be noted before anything that this game is on my wish list and I played it while it lasts on Free Weekend Weekend promotion so I'm glad I got a chance to try it -

...quite an interesting game although the game looks simple is quite challenging to master, so you need to play it a few couple of hours to become good swordsman. The game is arena duels multiplayer-oriented and looks fast paced, the dodging looks good, moving around feels fluid and the concept itself seems good. But when you get down to attacking and striking your opponent looks sluggish and slow. I'm no expert on sword styles but I'd love to learn the actual styles of the swords you use rather than just "here have a japanese katana now, go ahead and swing it around" e.g. katanas are two handed swords, don't wield a katana with one hand!
Unfortunately, the game has limited characters and personally I got the impression that classes are unbalanced, on the other hand game looks pretty, you can play with keyboard and mouse with no problem and the game has nice community.
Posted 19 October, 2014.
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18.3 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
Strategije spadaju u onaj žanr igara za koji mnogi misle da se tu ne može više ništa novoga izmisliti, no od svih žanrova koji postoje strategije su jedini žanr koji se mjenja, evoluira i specijalizira kroz povijest od 1982 pa do danas (zajedno sa svojim podkategorijama: MMORTS,Tower defense, 4X... i stvara nove kategorije kao što su FPS/RTS i RTS/RPG Hibrid). Sve je isto a opet tako novo, drukčije i svježe zahvaljujući novim idejama što se ne može baš reći za ostale popularne i manje popularne žanrove.

Prvo da pojasnim šta je R.U.S.E - je trik koji se koristi za zavaravanje protivnika.
Priča je uzbudljiva, sa odličnom kampanjom, a sama igrivost neodoljiva jer nisam mogao prestati igrati dok ju nisam prešao. Igra je usredotočena na informacijsko ratovanje uz uobičajeni poznati pristup da bi se promijenio ishod bitke. Cilj igre je da saznate tko je agent Prometheus (kada sam vidio jednu specifičnu scenu [recimo samo da je taj komadić scene filmski klišej] koja se pojavila nakon što sam završio misiju "Digging Out The Fox !" znao sam tko je, iako me je priča u par navrata navela da sumnjam u svoj instinkt) da bi mogli okrenuti tijek bitke u svoju korist. R.U.S.E sistem podijeljen je u tri kategorije: one koje otkrivaju informacije (Dešifriranje), one koje skrivaju informacije (Radio šutnja), i one koje dopuštaju lažnim objektima/jedinicama napad, kako bi zavarali neprijatelja (Lažni napad). Intuitivno sučelje omogućuje glatke, brze prijelaze iz pogleda ptičije perspektive, vaše jedinice nikada neće biti izgubljene, jer iz zraka su kao hrpa žetona, a zumiranjem ste dolje na zemlji i iz prve ruke nadzirete situaciju u žaru borbe i obrnuto. Karta-bojište je podjeljeno na sektore i djeluje živo jer se oko vas vode druge masivne bitke koje su skriptirane pa uglavnom nemate neku pomoć vaših saveznika. AI je prilično pametan i napadati će vas tamo di se najmanje nadate a jedinice sa (!) koje su kritično ozlijeđene će se same povući iz borbe i oporaviti ako nisu napadnute.U R.U.S.E igri vaš mozak je krajnje oružje dok vodite rat percepcije gdje vaša sposobnost da nasamarite i obmanete vašeg neprijatelja određuje vaš uspjeh. Igra je brza, zabavna, zarazna, izazovna, inovativna i jedinstvena sa elementima obmane, laka za naučiti, teška za svladati, umjesto samo refleksa, planiranje i dobro razmišljanje je ključno za pobijedu pa će je igrati samo inteligentni igrači (čini se da loše ocjene dolaze od ljudi i medijskih recenzenata koji tvrde da je igra previše teška za njih, pročitajte najgore recenzije, a zatim kupite igru, dobro ćete se nasmijati njihovom ne znanju). Imate samo jedan resurs unutar igre koji se brzo troši i često čete biti vremenski ograničeni za neki zadatak sa ograničenim brojem jedinica za izvršavanje misije pošto je svaka popraćena sa mnogim glavnim i sekundarnim zadacima što će vas natjerati da neke misije odigrate i više put da bi ih sve obavili i došli do 100% učinka (zadovoljavajući osjećat ćete imati i bez 100% učinka) i sakupili što više bodova za veći level. Igra je jednostavno pregenijalno osmišljena i izvedena.

Kada sam po prvi put vidio epski foršpan za dotičnu igru rekao sam sebi da ju moram imati. Osobno volim RTS žanr i mogu reći za sebe da sam RTS narkić. Za sve ljubitelje strategija ovo jednostavno morate imati jer vrijedi svake kune.

Nadam se da će izbaciti nastavak ;)

Strategies fall into the genre of games for which many think that there can no longer invent anything new, but from all genres that exist strategies are the only genre that is changing, evolving and specializing throughout history from 1982 until today (along with its sub-categories: MMORTS, Tower defense, 4X ... and creates new categories such as FPS/RTS and RTS/RPG hybrid). Everything is the same and yet so new, different and fresh thanks to new ideas, but that can not be said for other popular and less popular genres.

First, let me explain what 's R.U.S.E - a trick that is used to deceive opponents.
The story is exciting, with a great campaign, and the gameplay itself is irresistible because I could not stop playing until I had not finished game. The game focuses on information warfare with the usual well-known approach to change the outcome of the battle. The objective of the game is to find out who is the agent Prometheus (I saw one specific scene [let's just say that this piece of cinematic is cliché scene] that appeared after I completed the mission "Digging Out ​​The Fox !" I knew who it was, although a story in a couple of occasions led to doubt my instincts) to be able to turn the tide of battle in your favor. R.U.S.E system is divided into three categories : those that reveal information (decryption), those that hide information (radio silence), and those that allow fake buildings/units attack to trick the enemy (Fake attack). The intuitive interface allows smooth, rapid transitions from a bird's perspective views, your units will never be lost because from the sky perspective they look like a bunch of casino chips and when you zoom in on the ground view in firsthand to monitor the situation in the heat of the battle and vice versa. Map-battlefield is divided into sectors and acts as a live battlefield around you but generally you do not have any help from your allies because battles are script. AI is pretty smart and will attack you when you least expect and unit with (!) that are critically injured will withdraw from the fight and recover if not attacked. In R.U.S.E game your brain is the ultimate weapon while taking a war of perception, where your ability to fool and deceive your enemies determines your success. The game is fast-paced, fun, addictive, challenging, innovative and unique with elements of deception, easy to learn, difficult to master, instead of rather than just reflexes, good planning and thinking is the key to victory and this game will play only smart players (it seems that the bad reviews are coming from people and gaming media reviewers who say that the game is too difficult for them, so read the worst reviews, and then buy the game, you will laugh at their ignorance). You have only one resource within the game that is quickly consumed and often you will be limited in time to a task with a limited number of units to execute the mission as each accompanied with many main and secondary tasks which will force you to play some missions several times to get them all done and come up to 100% performance (satisfying feel you will have even without 100% performance) and collect as many points for higher level. The game is simple over ingeniously designed and constructed.

When I first saw the epic trailer for that game I told myself that I must have it. Personally, I like the RTS genre and I can say for myself that I am RTS junkie. For all strategy fans this simply is must have, because it worth every penny.

I hope they throw sequel ;)
Posted 17 May, 2014. Last edited 17 May, 2014.
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6 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record
Ono što mi se sviđa

Zabavna, uzbudljiva i napeta igrivost
Vizualna prezentacija igre
Moderni stilski auti i ambijent
Vremenski uvjeti sa izmjenom ciklusa dan / noć
Zanimljive staze
Gotovo svi europski i japanski auti imaju dobru upravljivost i držanje na cesti
Lijep osjećaj brzine
Vožnja je spoj arkade i simulacije
Zanošenje u zavoju i strujanje zraka kad se nalazite iza protivnika kojeg upravo želite obići / prestići
Glazbena podloga
Ceste nisu previše opterećene prometom pa se nemoramo previše živcirati kada napravimo pogršku

What I like

Fun, exciting and tense gameplay
Visual presentation of the game
Stylish cars and environments
Weather conditions with day / night cycle
Interesting paths
Almost every European and Japanese cars have a grip and good handling
Nice feeling of speed
Mix arcade / simulation ride
Drift cornering and slipstream
Roads aren’t too busy so there is less chance of frustration when we make a mistake

Ono što mrzim

Autolog (mrzim ovaj rastući trend izdavača igara sa svojim upornim i nametljivim "socijalnim (FB klon) povezivanjem" u igrama, gdje mu nije mjesto - za takve stvari postoji mod za više igrača!
Izbornici (Vi zapravo trebate NAUČITI izbornik u EA igrama)
Nedostatak dodatnih pogleda kamere na vožnju (osobno mi nijedan od ponuđenih pogleda na vožnju neodgovara)
Gotovo svaki američki auto ima lošu upravljivost i loše držanje ceste (kao i u svakoj igri) i utrka u američkom autu (uz neke iznimke) je prava muka / davež
Upravljanje autima je skoro sa svima isto, jedina razlika je maksimalna brzina
AI promet je prilično glup i nedorečen, ponekad samo stoji na cesti ili vozi vrlo sporo te ni ne pokušava da vas izbjegne na cesti
Igra se ponavlja nakon nekog vremena igranja

What I hate

Autolog (I hate this growing trend of game publishers with their persistent and intrusive "social (FB look a like) connectivity" in games where it does not belong - for those things we have multiplayer!
Menus (You actually need to LEARN menus in EA games)
Lack of additional driving camera views (none view of driving does not suit me)
Almost every American car have bad handling and no grip (as in every game) and race mission with American car (with some exceptions) is pain in the ass
Car handles are almost the same for all of them, the only difference is the top speed
AI traffic is quite silly and incompleteness, sometimes just standing on the road or driving very slowly and does not even attempt to avoid you on the road
Game just repeats itself after some time of playing
Posted 26 April, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
Osobno volim taj žanr igara, pa sam igru skinuo s interneta (torrent-a) 2011 (i završio u nekoliko dana s osmijehom), jer igra nije bila kritički dobro primljena od strane gejmera, a ja nisam htjeo baciti svoj ​​novac ... i bio sam oduševljen s ovom igrom. To je odlična igra za mene i uz Dragon Rising sam se dobro zabavio, unatoč činjenici da je igra pokazala neke svoje nedostatke. Taktički aspekt igre daje lijep realizam, ali članovi AI tima nisu toliko baš previše inteligentni. Gameplay je realan i zabavan za bilo kojeg ljubitelja taktičkih pucačina ili vojne simulacije, ako vam je draže to ime.

Igra normalno radi na Windows Vista-i!

Personally I love this genre of games, so I downloaded a game from the Internet (torrent) 2011 (and finished in a few days with a smile) because game was not well received by critics of fellow players and I did not want to throw my money... and I was thrilled with this game. It's an awesome game for Me and I had fun with Dragon Rising despite the fact that it showed a lack of polish. The tactical aspect of the game gives it a nice realism but the AI team members are not always that intelligent. Gameplay is realistic and fun for any fan of tactical shooters or military sim if you prefer that name.

Works on Windows Vista!
Posted 24 April, 2014. Last edited 24 April, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.2 hrs on record
First I was worried whether the game will work on Vista, it turned out to work, so I'm happy about that because Steam often puts games that do not work on some OS. The only problem is the resolution of the game as it is very old, but for that I found the problem on YT - Tomb Raider 1 fullscreen and resolution fix for steam and GOG versions by Daniel Foreman https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-iFjmxq-2A so give him a like!
Posted 10 April, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
51.5 hrs on record (43.5 hrs at review time)
Bad: - boring like hell
- non-existent storyline
- no atmosphere
- feels pointless
- repetitiv
- no replayability
- shared stash is a joke (too small) and still no patch or mod for bigger shared stash
- unpolished and clunky HUD (head-up display) and inventory
- your pet often gets stuck
- gems are always with bad stats and you have to buy a lot of (bad) them to get some good and it takes a long time to do
- no end game ???

Good: - easy to control
- effects and good gameplay
- cartoon-ish graphic

Conclusion: - game would have been good 10 years ago

Posted 4 April, 2014.
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