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3.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Ein typisches Sсheißspiel auf Unity. Glücklicherweise habe ich dafür keinen Cent ausgegeben. Da ich keine Vorteile gefunden habe, beginne ich meine Rezension mit Nachteilen:
-Obwohl das Spiel die zufällige Generation bietet, ist die Welt komplett leer
-Bugs. Sehr viele Bugs. Du kannst einfach durch den Boden fallen und sterben. Oder umgekehrt in die Höhe fliegen.
-Wenn du die Feststelltaste drückst, beginnst du, sehr schnell zu fliegen
-Das Spiel ist schon fast 6 Jahre in der Entwicklung
-Wenn man online spielt, sind alle Charaktere mit ausgestreckten Armen. Das sieht sehr lächerlich aus.
-Schlechte Übersetzung in andere Sprachen
-Ständiges Abschmieren
Das Spiel kann ich überhaupt nicht empfehlen. Reine Geld- und Zeitverschwendung.
Posted 30 December, 2024. Last edited 30 December, 2024.
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40.9 hrs on record
Very promising game but it's not Amnesia. This game have little to do with the Amnesia series. Only little things remind on the classical first game. So I've found only one advantage:
-Interesting plot and plot twists. Some things you can't await and can get even surprised although they don't conform with the classical game.
Now disadvantages:
-Graphical design. Everything looks to cheap like a free game on Unity. Nothing similar with the true Amnesia.
-There are no so-called monsters like in the first and second games.
-Atmosphere is away. How can it be created if locations change always? And also how can the desert scare anyone?
So if this game would have an another title everything could be better. But in comparison to Amnesia franchise it's just terrible.
Posted 30 June, 2024.
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8.4 hrs on record
Great game with good AI from 2005. I'm beginning my review with advantages:
-Good graphic
-Beautiful surrounding reminding on half life
-Captivating and suitable music in a lot of moments
-Unexpected plot-twists and plot in general
-Level structure like in Resident Evil
-Low fps and small subtitles. You must download some external patches to fix it.
So after all that I can wholly recommend this game to everyone.
Posted 2 June, 2024.
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49.6 hrs on record
Shooting range with typical boring main purpose to rescue galaxy and make all happy. Devs could just remove this from the game and do a simple shooter and it would be much better. The game is declared as multiplayer shooter but that's not true. Whilst playing with friends you won't have any cutscenes and the whole game is shrinking. Nevertheless I found some advantages:
-Awesome music like from films of Stanley Kubrick
-Good graphics and surroundings
-Different enemies with their own appearance
-A lot of various vehicles (even helicopters) and different maps
That's it. Now disadvantages:
-Invisible barriers. You can't spring over railings
-A lot of scripts (for example you can't destroy windows but your enemies can). But sometimes it can happen that some of scripts don't work.
-Cringy, stupud humor and cheap jokes for mentally retarded children
-Possibility to lose all your weapons after death, so saves don't work
This is game is whole trash. Don't buy it even at a discount.
Posted 2 May, 2024.
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6.5 hrs on record
Another trash game from russian devs on unity. The game is based on memes about lizards and rus but it isn't enough to be a good or just interesting game. This peace is not as bad as another games based on Russian memes but remains still unenjoyable. Despite of DR LIVESEY ROM AND DEATH EDITION this game has advantages:
-A good amount of playable characters with different attack modes
-Destructibility of environment even better than in Atomic Heart
-Beautiful surroundings
-Good and captivating music from the main menu
-Different costumes of enemies
Now disadvantages:
-Inappropriate phonk music. This is too cliched and out of place (I'm not talking about history or some stuff like this but devs could add good and suitable music at least like in the main menu)
-Npcs spawn just in front of you. This is too dilettante.
-Not complete translation. Some dialoges aren't translated and so it looks too cheap.
-Invisiable barriers. No comments.
-If there's a lot of enemies around you you can't move and always have to die. Enemies also can go through some objects but you don't
-No autosaves. If you die out of a bag you have to finish the whole level again.
-You can't hide your cursor after restarting the level
So this game has more or less good idea but very bad realisation.
Posted 26 April, 2024.
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1.0 hrs on record
Interesting game with good visual style and a lot of problems. Despite of the visual style I found only disadvantages:
-Low fps
-No settings and saves
-Game is based on screamers and not on atmosphere like another games of such genre
-Only English is available, not as stated
I don't recommend this game. Too rich for such piece.
Posted 19 April, 2024.
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20.4 hrs on record
This game consists of an admixture of gaming styles, some features from other games and peculiarities reminding of other projects. But also cliched and sexist moments about stereotypical girly problems. Nevertheless some advantages were found:
-Level design
-Visual style
-Customization and available amount of variable weapons.
-You can't change controls
-A lot of scripts
-Empty spaces that regard yourself as creepy backrooms but look too artificial
So this game can seem to be interesting and captivating but a lot of empty passages and corridors can begin to bore you after short time. So don't buy this game and let you die from the tediousness.
Posted 15 April, 2024.
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1.5 hrs on record
Typical free-to-play rubbish on Source. I played this game for 1.5 hours but I can say certainly this game is not even worth a minute of your time to play this. So I found only disadvantages:
-If enemies are spawning somewhere you can die without any reason
-You can die if you spring down even from a short height or just without any reason
-Trashy enemies like teletubbies
So don't even download this game because you will be completely disappointed.
Posted 13 April, 2024.
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32.3 hrs on record
This game is so uncanny and cute at the same time and this is enchanting. Developers could merge together two opposite features but couldn't reach the good quality of the game. So I'm beginning my review with advantages:
-Visual style. It's dark and uncanny everywhere.
-Interesting and good-looking enemies
-Puzzles. They are too captivating and sometimes even difficult.
-Unusuall mechanichs such throwing some objects to reach a lever or something like this
-Plot of the main game as well as the dlc
-Lore. This universe has a lot of project like books, games and discriptions
-In one word - gameplay. You can be caught even through the wall and get stuck there. You also can be magneted to enemy's hands walking near them. Sometimes you can't climb on some surfaces. You can't restart a level if you are shortly before to die so you have to wait for loading the level. It's also possible to go through nomes.
-Teleportating. You can teleport from one point to another and it's so weird.
-Camera. It's too slow so it's a problem if you are speedrunning the game.
-No AI. Nomes are too stupid.
-Invisible barriers
So after all this I can't recommend this game. The idea itself is preety good but realisation leaves a lot to be desired.
Posted 22 March, 2024. Last edited 22 March, 2024.
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12.9 hrs on record
A very interesting game for star wars fans that could be awesome but some problems do it harder. So I'm beginning my review with advantages:
-A lot of ways on each planet in each race. This is too captivating.
-A big amount of available planets, vehicles and chars
-Possibility to upgrade your vehicles and buy helpers
Now disadvantages:
-You can die for no reason or your engine can just explode during flying
-If you use shift tab the game doesn't work anymore
-You can't earn more money after completing all races so you have to restart the whole game
Although these problems are critical I can still recommend this game to every gamer because this game complements the entire star wars universe a lot.
Posted 2 March, 2024.
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