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LOOBUU 27 січ. о 14:45 
Hello team, I'd like to preface this message through making you guys aware of the fact that I'm a low IQ player. Some of the things I'll do this game may seem irrational at the time - but I can assure you, every action that I take has a lesser meaning, and unless you also have a low IQ you'll probably not understand the 'questionable' things I do this game. In conclusion, do not speak to me like we are equals and there will be no problems, thank you.
LOOBUU 27 січ. о 14:44 
Hello team, I'd like to preface this message through making you guys aware of the fact that I'm a high IQ player. Some of the things I'll do this game may seem irrational at the time - but I can assure you, every action that I take has a greater meaning, and unless you also have a high IQ you'll probably not understand the 'questionable' things I do this game. In conclusion, do not speak to me like we are equals and there will be no problems, thank you.
LOOBUU 12 листоп. 2024 о 11:39 
\( *¯∇¯)ノ ☆FABULOUS~☆ ABRA KADABRA! ヽ( ゚ヮ・)ノ.・゚*。・+☆ the pleasure of being cummed inside
LOOBUU 6 жовт. 2024 о 7:46 
oh thank u mens, i am at maxi slime in that pic hehe
LOOBUU 1 квіт. 2024 о 3:24 
LOOBUU 1 квіт. 2024 о 3:24 