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167.4 hrs on record (68.1 hrs at review time)
Fast paced fun with friends, lots of cool and free stuff in seasonal events.
Posted 28 November, 2024.
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60.8 hrs on record
Great game, I still remember playing a bunch of Audiosurf to help unlock the game "early", then staying up all night playing it as soon as it could be done. What a fantastic time.
Posted 22 November, 2021.
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9.7 hrs on record
Oh man is this a Portal game alright. Very cool and creative addition to the gameplay and puzzle type that is Portal. Only a couple times did I feel a level was slightly unfair to the player, but otherwise it was pretty well balanced and an enjoyable time to play.

Lots of running back and forth trying to figure things out, though. But Portal 2 has times like that, too.
Posted 7 July, 2021.
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3.8 hrs on record
Very good. Ever since I played the first The Room game one of my first thoughts was, "damn, I'd love this to be in VR." While I miss the series having more of an intricate puzzle focus with boxes that open up into more boxes with doors that open up to cool little slots and stuff, the puzzles are still pretty neat and have some element of that. Not a fan of the more horror direction the series has gone, which this being in VR cranks the unease and freakiness immersion to 11.

Still though I'm glad they made this experience but yes, it is quite pricey for a game that will only last you about 4 hours and that's with me getting stuck and fumbling around multiple times. If you're not invested in the series, better wait for the game to go on larger sales as time goes on.
Posted 12 July, 2020. Last edited 12 July, 2020.
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13.9 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
Absolutely incredible game, truly the current pinnacle of virtual reality. Loved it start to finish, can't wait to play community content. Hopefully the tools released offer a lot!

My biggest gripe would be those stupid puss-bubble things that seem to be nothing short a mechanic to waste your time. You have to stand close to them and look right at them in order to make them explode in order to move on safely. Not too far away or they'll go back to regular state, not too close or you'll take damage. Unless I'm missing something those things serve absolutely no good purpose.
Posted 8 May, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
12.3 hrs on record
Absolutely incredible game, a serious must play for any VR enthusiasts and anyone who wants to experience just how immersive and fun VR can be when it's at its best.

Just finished my first playthrough, can confirm it took me 12 hours. And I didn't find a single secret. Well, I found a few but I never actually figured out how to obtain them.

Can't wait to dive a little deeper into this game, but the team at Stress Level Zero have done an absolutely amazing job on this. Huge props to them, no wonder this had such a huge impact on Valve and made them rethink HLVR.
Posted 14 December, 2019.
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0.9 hrs on record
Definitely a little shorter than I expected, and I wasn't expecting that much. Still worth experiencing, though, especially if you're a fan of Spice & Wolf. Definitely cute seeing Holo walk around in VR.
Posted 4 June, 2019.
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11,471.4 hrs on record (2,825.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Easily the best social VR game out there. Devs are reasonably active, if not occasionally pushing updates that don't make sense to be focusing on, but (almost) any content update is a good update.

Very easy to meet people and become friends. Like real life, some friends stick and some don't. With large communities comes lots of fun and bits of drama. Surround yourself with the right people and you'll find yourself hooked.

Full body tracking is aboslutely worth it if you can afford it. Being a cute anime girl or giant robot or whatever you please is definitely a nice break from reality and it doesn't take long of seeing that stuff that it becomes as second nature to be surrounded by as plain-body humans in real life.

Give it a go, it's free. At least get yourself to the point where you have a small circle of friends that can take you away from public worlds. Won't take long for you to find if it's your type of social game or not.
Posted 21 November, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
58.9 hrs on record (52.4 hrs at review time)
Okami is my favourite game of all time, and for good reason. I'll lay it out simply:

- Amazing, multi-arc story.
- Great characters with true personality and developments.
- Incredible visual style and presentation.
- Beautiful music that fits the world perfectly.
- Fun and engaging gameplay that never gets old, different playstyles for easy replayability.
- Collectibles galore with full documentation so you can see your 100% completion in plain text.
- Nearly everything in the game based on real Japanese mythology, giving everything depth and a reason to be there.

I can't recommend this game enough. I'm so happy that they've released this for even more people to enjoy, and I hope it succeeds and pushes the chances of a true sequel being developed.
Posted 29 December, 2017. Last edited 29 December, 2017.
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6 people found this review helpful
12.2 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
Amazing game, the short answer here is that yes, this is worth your money and time playing.

Starting with the good, the game looks incredible. I love the art style and it's definitely reminiscent of Torchlight, which is what led to me looking forward to the release of this game. Exploration is fantastic, and the world expands in a unique way that surprised me when it first happened. As you expand the map, the game does a great job of making sure you can easily and simply move and backtrack between sections of the world. The game doesn't hold your hand with where you're supposed to go and what you're supposed to do, although it doesn't really need to because everything is quite straight-forward.

Now onto the bad. The game doesn't just strongly recommend a controller, it straight up doesn't fully support KB/M. There are no prompts in the game that tell you what key to press, only prompts that tell you what action to press and you have to go through the menus to see what the controls are. The default KB/M controls aren't awful, but I don't see why they couldn't have put in the simple feature for people to choose their own controls and rebind keys. Using the map, especially the fast-travel map is not nearly as nice as I would have hoped, you can't use the mouse at all to select travel points.

For the most part, using KB/M wasn't that bad, though. There are only one or two instances of platorming that were a pain in the butt, but there's a lot of platforming in this game and the rest was fine. The camera is dynamic but locked, most of the time the camera was placed well but there were a few times it could have been better. The camera does a good job to show you hints about collectibles.

The game will keep you occupied for about 10 hours, give or take, depending on what kind of pace you play at. Exploring the world is amazing, which is exactly what I was hoping for. As I was playing the game, I was planning on making a point of how easy the game makes it for you to track collectibles. Once you see them they show up on the map so you can go back later and collect them when you have the necessary abilities to. However, now that I've finished the game and have collected everything that I had found, I realize the game does not make it easy to find what you're missing. Once you find an item on the map, it disappears. This means that if you want to compare to a complete map, or you want to look at your own map and see where the obvious gaps are, you can't tell what you've already collected. The map also doesn't show entrance points to dungeons, and it would have also been nice to be able to see from the main map which collectibles were left at what dungeons. This definitely isn't a game-breaker for me, but it did kill my motivation to 100% the game like I was originally planning to. I would end up having to either run circles around the world, hoping I look in the right places, or follow a video guide and redundantly visit every item location I've already been to.

In summary:

- Beautiful visuals, world feels alive
- Exploration is awesome and relaxing
- Combat is fun
- KB/M controls are okay but the only reason they aren't better is due to developer choice.
- Map is helpful for your initial world exploration, but awful when you're at the end and want to 100%.
- Puzzles are a little too simple and straightforward, but they're still engaging enough.
- Approximately 10 hours of regular gameplay.
- Performance is fantastic. I played at 5760x1080 and was running over 120fps on ultra a majority of the time, with only occasional dips down to the 60 range. Never went below 60. (GTX 1080)
Posted 1 October, 2017. Last edited 1 October, 2017.
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