They call me TryHarder and I don't know why
Nothing beats hanging out with friends and listening to Eminem while drunk:
Momenteel offline
So during the last 772h game I found that I am no different from monkeys. The game is fun, you throw stones at each other, beat leopards and crocodiles with a stick, steal birds' eggs. Honestly, the graphics impressed me the most, the sky at night looks spectacularly beautiful, the view from the mountain promises to be breathtaking. So Apes Together Strong! CRAZY CHIMP, attacking leopard and winning. :D
erdész 25 mrt 2023 om 16:18 
Bochoto 29 okt 2022 om 10:30 
*nuzzules you*
- hehe you so warm, that do we have here
*inspects your bulge*
*unzips your baggy*
- baby you so musky, don't forget to stuff me ;D
* wags my widdle biddle baby tail for your bolgy wolgy*
- hey can you help me with my itchy tychi in my taily waily
- only your 8 cm long :P:, can fill me UWU
Dariune 4 okt 2022 om 7:30 
professional child twerker
Bochoto 14 aug 2022 om 4:43 
Good anal + 8cm
Lukell 6 aug 2022 om 10:35 
man good player:csgocross:
MexicoJoker 5 aug 2022 om 10:07 
wtf :D