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Publicada: 25 nov. 2015 às 6:06
Atualizada: 22 nov. 2022 às 12:27

I love kf games and this one is also freaking awesome. Microtransactions won't keep me away from playing this game! Can't wait for all future free dlcs :3

EDIT: C'mon Tripwire, I understand the pay to unlock characters thing, voice actors need to be payed.. but weapons now? and 10$ for each? Damn, I thought Payday devs were greedy...
The game is great, but, the way things go now, I can barely recommend it...
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5 comentários
🛌 Andrei 25 nov. 2015 às 9:47 
Well ok then. Also thinking about getting it..
[NT]D@niel 25 nov. 2015 às 7:23 
I'm pretty sure because they added a shared content thing, so u can share ur dlcs when u are on the same server with no-dlcs owners. So that for me is a plus. This is nothing like payday, they said they add microtransactions to make the future updates free, not like payday 2, MT and DLCS and STAT BOOSTS, no SHARED dlcs and all that greed. I've played KF1 since 2009, and I was happy with every update.
🛌 Andrei 25 nov. 2015 às 7:19 
Don't be so sure they'll continue releasing free content just because they did it with the first game. Remember how companies can drastically change?
[NT]D@niel 25 nov. 2015 às 6:23 
yeah like in csgo, market, trading and all that
Вовчик-ключ-на-9 25 nov. 2015 às 6:22 
Skins and weapon textures? Like in CS:GO?