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68.6 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
While looks are not everything, it is truly concerning a game this simple looking, is running this bad on a reasonable machine.

Ryzen 5 5600X
16 gb ram
Geforce RTX 3070

Gameplay seems right up my alley, but but long loading times, lag and severe framedrops are ruining my enjoyment.
Posted 2 December, 2022.
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9.7 hrs on record
Har gennemført det både på iOS og PC. Det er et virkelig godt Tower Defense. Der er mange upgrades og mange udfordringer i løbet af kampagnen.
Posted 24 April, 2015.
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451.1 hrs on record (73.5 hrs at review time)
Jeg forsøgte mig med spillet allerede dengang det hed DOTA og var et mod til Warcraft 3. Det gik smadder dårligt og de spillere man spillede med og imod var forfærdelige. Så jeg lagde det på hylden og forsøgte at glemme alt om det.

Så blev jeg inviteret til betaen på DOTA 2, og det gik smadder dårligt og igen var der ikke megen hjælp at hente fra andre spillere, så jeg lagde det på hylden og forsøgte at glemme alt om det.

Senere tilføjede de en tutorial som jeg over nogle måneder fik spillet igennem, og jeg forstod så småt hvad der foregik. Og samtidig blev der mere og mere fokus på spillets eSport scene, hvilket gav min interesse et fornyet nøk i vejret. Og nu har jeg så over de sidste par måneder spillet omkring 70 timer.

Men nok om mig.

Spillet er indbegrebet af et MOBA. Nok sammen med Legue of Legends de mest populære i genren. (Har aldrig spillet LoL). Hvert hold har 5 helte som skal forsøge at smadre det andet holds Ancient (en stor bygning i det andet holds lejr). Spillet foregår i "lanes" eller baner/rækker, hvor hvert hold forsøger at dræbe de andet holds creeps (små lette monstre) eller neutrale creeps for at få guld og xp så man kan levele op. Det lyder meget simpelt, men i takt med at man leveler op får man nye evner og man kan bruge sit guld på items der kan ændre din karakter ret så meget.

Udvalget af karakterer er meget stort og alle er gratis at spille med. Det eneste du giver penge for er kosmetiske ting, og det er et stort plus!

Jeg synes at folk er begyndt at opføre sig pænere efter jeg er begyndt at spille igen, og det er til at starte for en nybegynder. Men det er stadig et meget svært spil, og selv efter 70 timer er jeg absolut stadig en nybegynder.

Du må gerne tilføje mig hvis du vil have en og spille med, men jeg tilbyder ikke coaching eller lignende, da jeg ikke har niveauet til det, og jeg heller ikke gør brug af mikrofon,
Posted 27 January, 2015.
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6.8 hrs on record
Tydeligvis en port af et mobilspil. Og jeg er sikker på at det har fungeret super godt på den mobile platform, men som PC spil halter det noget efter.

Lad os starte med selve spillet: Du styrer din Bard, som ikke selv er nogen aggresiv figur, men som summoner hjælpere der slås for ham. Du har plads til 3 forskellige typer units, så du selv kan sætte dit hold sammen. I løbet af spillet låser du op for flere helte, så der er rimelig mulighed for at lave nogle interessante sammensætninger. Du tjener penge i løbet af spillet som du bruger til at låse op for bedre stats og multiplyers. Rimelig simple og basale RPG elementer.

Du bruger WASD til at løbe rundt på banen, som et slags banalt Tower Defense og nedlægger fjender, ind til du, eller det tårn du forsøger at beskytte løber tør for liv. I takt med at du bliver bedre, og får låst op for bedre figurer og skills, bliver løbene længere og længere.

Teknisk set er spillet egentlig stadig ret pænt, selvom det kommer fra en lille skærm og nu op på en stor. Og styringen fungerer rimelig godt med WASD, samt JKL og UIO til at summone helte og aktivere skills. Men musikken er forfærdelig monotom og jeg anbefaler at du sætter noget andet musik på istedet. Jeg oplevede at når jeg slog musikken fra, fjernede den også lyden fra heltene, hvilket er en skam (men det kan godt være jeg har begået en fejl her).

Som du kan se har jeg brugt over 6 timer på spillet, og det er vel også fint nok udbytte af et billigt spil, men hovedparten af tiden i spillet har egentlig kedet mig, men jeg ville bare gennemføre ihvertfald hoveddelen af spillet. Det er en lang grind af penge, for at få de nødvendige upgrades for at kunne klare dig igennem den samme bane om og om igen.

Der er et par ekstra modes man kan spille, men de virker ret ligegyldige, udover at du kan bruge dem til at unlocke 2 ekstra helte.
Posted 11 April, 2014.
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16.3 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
I like South Park, but I have not watched all the episodes, nor do I consider myself a fan. I just like to watch a cartoon once in a while if it happens to be on TV while nothing else is on.

And with that said, I absolutely loved my Stick of Truth experience. The game is, like many are saying, like playing a long episode of South Park. I did not get all the references, but I got many of them, and lots of them were hillarious. You play this game for the setting, atmosphere, humor, farts and story. And they do a really good job with all of those.

But other parts are a bit lacking. I enjoyed the fighting, but it is an easy RPG. The combats are never difficult, and I don't think I died in a single battle througout the game. The attacks are fun, and spells are absolutely hillarious, but you very quickly find a setup that helps you through the rest of the game. And that's a shame.

While the story and humor are spot on, and the Roleplaying are mediocre, the UI are horrible.
You attach patches to your weapons, but they are a pain to look through, and it makes getting upgrades annoying to say the least. It's really just a big let down to the rest of the game.

But don't let the UI get to you, the game is so easy that you wont have to min/max the slightest to get through. This might sound off-putting to a RPG fan, but the humor and all the real South Park stuff is very, very good.
Posted 11 March, 2014.
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2.5 hrs on record
Oh man, I like this game. But the time between episodes are too damn long. The story is surreal, and the setting is beautiful. I can't wait till the next episode.
Posted 10 February, 2014.
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0.4 hrs on record
Clicking stuff, to be able to click something else. It did not feel like a game, and it did not feel like a good story being told. I was bored out of my mind, and I would have thought I would enjoy a casual game like this, but I did not.
Posted 3 February, 2014.
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17.0 hrs on record (16.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Have had several hours of fun with a friend, playing this. But I feel like we have only scratched the surface! The game is in Beta, but we have not had any gamebreaking bugs so far. As far as I have understood, there should be no more world- nor character wipes, so you will not lose your progress anymore. Can't wait to see what we will discover next.
Posted 2 February, 2014.
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2.6 hrs on record
Take my recommendation with consideration, because I have been debating myself wether or not to recommend it.

I bought the game during a sale, with a promise of a short, but epic journey. And the game surely delivered on those terms. The game took my about 2½ hour to complete, same as I would spend on a movie. And I by far enjoy playing a game, instead of watching a movie, so that's a good thing for me. But I am not sure I would have recommended the game if I had paid 14€ to the game, since it does not really have any replayability.

The gameplay and beauty is what shines in this game. The controls are tight (please use a controller), and the areas are a delight to experience. The story is driven forward by the gameplay, and it contains no talk or writing. It does this very good. But in the end I found the story to be lacking, and that is the main reason I had trouble recommending the game.

I was filled with mixed emotions, but I had a blast playing through the main portion of the game.
Posted 5 January, 2014.
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1.7 hrs on record
Disclaimer, I got it one sale for around 5€.

I sat down a cold and dark december evening. The wife and kid was away for the evening, so it was only me, the dog, the rain, a few candles and a blanket. So with my headphones on, I was ready for a history to unfold.

The game, and house, ooze of atmosphere. You move around in your own tempo, and let it all sink in. I really liked how the mood was set, and how the story was told. I was left with a weird feeling in my chest, I was fulfilled, but I wanted to do something. So I sat down and wrote this.

Everything in this game is about the story and the mood. The story is not a Stephen King novelle, eventhough it's obvious that the writer of the game have taken some inspiration. But it is good, charming and doesn't overstay its welcome.

The music also really help setting the mood, but some of it was actually somewhat of an annoyance, but it did fit in the story, so I guess I can't complain.

I think I would feel lacking if I had paid full price for the product, but I really don't know. Even 30 minutes after I finished the game, I am still left with a feeling of having played a remarkable product.

But I have to stress, this game is not for everyone. But if you like to explore and want a good movie-game-story, you should give it a try.
Posted 16 December, 2013.
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