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Gravel Gun Mettle Campaign Coin

Gravel Gun Mettle Campaign Coin

Team Fortress 2
Team Fortress 2
Gravel Tool - Contract Points: 2054
(Contract Bonus Points: 154)
(Contracts Completed: 19)
(Kills: 232)
The Gun Mettle Campaign ended on September 30, 2015.

The Gun Mettle Campaign Coin granted access to contracts and tracked stats during the campaign. You could level up the coin by earning Contract Points from completed contracts. The coin would level up at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Contract Points.
The Gun Mettle Collections
Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection
Powerhouse Collection
Concealed Killer Collection
Teufort Collection
Craftsmann Collection
Case Global Bonus Item(s)
Paint Cans!
Taunt Unusualifiers!
MvM Tickets!
And TF2 Tools!
Inspect for full list of unusual effects and more details
( Not Tradable, Marketable, or Usable in Crafting )
Tags: Unique, Craft Item, The Gun Mettle Collections, Not Tradable, Not Marketable
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