i Hate the World.
Ἴκαρος ¹⁹⁹⁸   New South Wales, Australia
:csgo_crown: LOVE yourself than everything.:csgo_crown:

☞ ::virtuspro:CS:GO player ▏Skin lover ▏Skin trader:virtuspro:
☞ ::apex_pathfinder:APEX player :apex_pathfinder::apex_wraith::apex_bloodhound:
☞ ::d2tidehunter:Dota 2' Skin lover' Skin trader:d2tidehunter:
☞: 💟《Chainsaw man》💟
☞: 🔞LSP :steammocking::steammocking:
🇨🇳Wechat: Pro_1k
💰trade link: :csgo_crown: https://steamproxy.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=439973994&token=yp9upAPp
A man has to be what he is, Joey...
  人必须忠于自己 乔伊
  there's no living with a killing.
  There's no going back from one. Right or wrong, it's a brand.
  带着杀戮活下去很艰难 这条路没有退路
  A brand sticks. There's no going back.
  是对是错你都得背负 直至一生
  Now you run on home to your mother, and tell her... tell her everything's all right.
  现在快回去找你妈妈 告诉她一切都好
  And there aren't any more guns in the valley.:woarrose:
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