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Recent reviews by 2Phenix9

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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27.6 hrs on record
this game has high potential, from what it was on the first day of release to where it is now and the almighty garden flipper dlc coming 2019. this imo is the best simulation game for a chill back relax clean up and make some serious money game out there.
Posted 24 November, 2018.
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13.5 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
been dreaming of this simulator for years. NOTHING can compare to the detail of this one, the last one that was made years ago barely had a small handful of items you could add. this one is hands down the best simulator imo. flawless.
Posted 27 March, 2018.
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2,310.3 hrs on record (1,011.5 hrs at review time)
it's good
Posted 22 November, 2017.
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3 people found this review helpful
12.3 hrs on record
Well literally jsut finished playing this one, gotta say the storyline is amazing, the choices you make really do define how the game ends (won't give away any spoilers) but I will say be careful what you choose and what you do it will all come round near the end with one particular conversation.

The soundtrack is completetly beautiful. really suits the games, the scenes, sets the atmosphere really well.

Didn't really mind the whole complete dialouge after dialouge after dialouge becasue for me it helpeed set what was happening in that particular part of the story.

really enjoyed the fact you have to work your butt off in each city to progress onto the next. money wasnt "easy" to make but it wasnt hard either.

all in all as others have said, minus the ending which was a REALLY big let down, i do highly recommend this game, for $0.99 you can't complain much.
Posted 27 April, 2016.
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54.6 hrs on record (53.0 hrs at review time)
gets released....
it broke...
gets taken down...
fix it for another few months....
re release it....
still broken....
WB: screw it we give up


11/10 thoroughly enjoyed this journey learning why companys shouldnt hire cheap side partners

P.S: least give us the rest of the dlc for free. you screwed us around long enough WB
Posted 2 November, 2015.
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29.2 hrs on record (29.0 hrs at review time)
I don't get it, the game is so basic, just click, or hire people to help you. but just click, yet...i....cannot......stop....playing.....this!!!!!!
Posted 2 June, 2015.
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170 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
ok guys i know this game is old and runs off an dos box emulator, but from all the reviews i have read im gonna try n help out make things a bit easier for this classic, its not revamped it is literally the 1993 release of this game made for dos back in the 90's the game is challenging, hard and annoying at times but the age old question is? whats the dam keys? well i downlaoded the original manual and found that the 2,4,6,8, on the numpad are the keys for walking around, and the action keys are x and z, i have personally tested this and it does infact work fine, there's NO issues with keys, they respond first time everytime. as for controller support? now u know the keys? use xpadder to map them and wha laa, a controller supported old school game :) peace all and enjoy.
Posted 3 January, 2015. Last edited 3 January, 2015.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries