South Africa
Hello whatsup guys, best dota 2 player here. I cannot make a mistake in the game. when i die alone in enemy base with 6 rapiers it is entirely my teams fault for not tanking all the disables

green griefter 2024年11月30日 14時14分 
The Mason Venne Cycle: 1. "Time to start tryharding again" 2. Rants about 4-digit games/gameplay 3.(YOU ARE HERE) "All my team has to do is... , and we win the game" 4. "I need to tell everyone what to do, I have to be a commander in these games" 5. Picks non-meta hero 6. "Okay, I will pick real/meta/1v9 heroes now" 7. Plays offlane/mid 8. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥/Negative Attitude Arc 9. PMAson Arc 10. idgaf anymore, play for fun 11. Bored 󠀀12. Anyway 13. (YOU ARE HERE) perma banning chat
green griefter 2024年5月24日 3時28分 
░░░▀▀░▄Shartstealer ░▐▄▄▄▀░░
green griefter 2024年3月30日 3時47分 
Jy het gewen, die nogal kort time-out het eintlik onder my vel gekom, ek is eintlik so vies dat ek my foon nou byt. Nee, boetie alles goed, kom ons hou aan met die positiwiteit die lewe is hard genoeg om oor klein dingetjies om te gee. ons is mal oor dota 2
green griefter 2023年12月27日 8時28分 
Desolate 30 Oct @ 5:02pm
If this guy is in your team. You'll have more fun going afk and watching Nyan cat on repeat untill you can re-queue
frank 2022年11月18日 14時30分 
Tier boss its sewer boss here man u real sexy and i jus wanted to say man even tho u dont have my back at all any time any day Ek het jou rug
The Dark Nai 2022年11月18日 12時57分 
Tsek naier