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1 person found this review helpful
7.8 hrs on record
The game is incredibly fun to play, although it’s unfortunate that the campaign is so short. Its not a negative per-se. I just wish it had lasted at least half as long again as what I’ve already played, because it is so fun to play.

So, what makes this game so fun? The action! Shooting orcs and chaos forces—it’s as simple as that.

There’s not much more to it, because when you start looking at other aspects of the game, they don’t stand out in the same way. The environments are quite bland, lacking detail or interesting features. Too often, you’re running through these unremarkable empty corridors for several minutes, not talking to anyone or encountering anything interesting. No, you just run. I think, these parts of the game served a purpose though. Though invisible for us - players. I think they were meant to give the game time to load assets. However, while the environments are underwhelming, the meticulously designed Space Marine armors make up for it. You can’t help but admire their detail as you dash through those empty corridors.

The story is simple but effective. There are some lore pieces scattered across the levels in the form of audiologs, but these are easy to miss, which can take away from the already sparse lore on top of the simple main narrative. What's particularly frustrating to me is that some of these audiologs are tied to important character in the main story. Not wanting to miss them, I often found myself wandering around levels hunting for them instead of focusing on decimating more orcs. That said, it wasn’t a huge issue, since the story isn’t the main draw of the game.

Now, I realize what I’ve written might sound more critical than positive. And yes, there are definite flaws. But, honestly, none of that really matters because the action - the core of the game, is just so much fun. It completely overshadows any negatives you might find.
Posted 25 March.
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251.2 hrs on record
Kingdom Come Deliverance is an exceptional game. I've played it twice now. First at its release and again with the launch of KCD2.

The game offers an unique level of immersion, unlike any other game I've played, except for KCD itself years ago. Even in 2025, this 2018 game can easily beat many newer games with its stunningly realistic environments and gameplay mechanics. You can get lost just wandering around for hours, hunting, gathering herbs, dealing with bandits and Cumans, or playing dice in taverns.

When you're not simply exploring, the questlines are engaging and well-designed. Most quests feel unique and interesting, making me genuinely want to experience them rather than just doing them for the sake of clearing them from my quest log. Some quests start as typical filler type quests but often expand and evolve into something I really enjoyed ding in the end. The main quest, though open-ended and clearly intended for continuation in KCD2, is also fun and interesting. Especially at the start and after the "prologue" section where Henry starts from the bottom for few tens of hours.

As the game progressed, I personally felt Hery became too rich and too powerful too fast, but that might have been because I played the game before and knew most mechanics in advance giving me an unfair advantage. Sthill, this broke the immersion for me a bit, so I intentionally wore cheap armor and weapons to create a challenge for myself and keep the immersion alive.

Eventually I got to a point where I got accustomed with the powerful Henry and equipped him with quality gear. This sudenly made the game significantly different experience. Provavlt for the better, even though I envjoyed low level Henry quite a bit. I stopped avoiding Cumans, Bandinds and random encounters and instead I sought them out, decimating everybody in my path. The game has unique combat mechanics which is almost one of the kind only comparable to KDC2 and perhaps Chivalry. It is kind of easy to learn but very hard to master including bows that must be aimed without a visual indicator. When I got good at both and combined it with quality equipment, I really felt good about myself, being able to take on anyone and each vitcory felt well deserved.

By the end of the game, I still felt I could continue if there were more content to explore. Despite this being my second playthrough, I expected to burn out, but to my surprise, it didn't happen. I enjoyed every session.

Only thing that bothered me were occasionall bugs that were still present today after so many years. Some that I clearly remembered from the back when the game was released. Fortunatelly none of original game breaking bugs were present today.

The only thing that bothered me were occasional bugs that are still present after so many years. Some bugs I clearly remembered from when I played the game on its release back in 2018, but fortunately, none of the original game-breaking bugs were present, or I did not encounter them this time. However, I encountered a new issue with a DLC of which completion is necessary for the main story progression. There is a bug when opening doors to progress int he story resulted in an endless black screen loading. This was frustrating because I was close to finishing the game and thought I was locked out. Fortunately, I found a solution the next day by temporarily setting sys_MaxFPS=10 in the console, which fixed the loading issue.

Except of that one issue I really enjoyed this much more polished version of the game compared to its release in 2018. Today, I would rate it much higher, as there is nothing that quite compares to the uniqueness of the immersion, the world, and the gameplay the developers have created in KDC1 and from what I heard in KDC2 as well.
Posted 24 March.
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18.7 hrs on record
If you liked tactical missions of This is the Police 2 (TitP2 ), than you will probably enjoy this game. However, if you are looking for TitP2 like experience outside tactical missions, than I recommend doing some research beforehand - perhaps by reading this review.

Most importantly, for fans of TitP2, don’t expect a deep narrative, budget management, or activities like dispatching cops to calls on a city map. This game is much simpler, focusing solely on tactical missions.

However, even these tactical missions were streamlined in Rebel Cops compared to TitP2. This is most noticeable in amount of attributes and skills the cops can have. Though I would like the original complexity here as well, it was not to a necessarily to the detriment of the game. It played well and it fit the vibe vibe of the game: simplicity. It offered a fun, very simple spin-off experience of the TitP games.

The gameplay loop is similarly simple. You progress from mission to mission, with briefings in between and some cop loadout management. Each mission takes place on a map of various sizes, offering play sessions lasting from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours (or even longer, depending on the map and your playstyle). These maps are visually appealing and clearly where, in my opinion, where significant part of the development effort went into.

The developers aimed to make each mission unique, fresh and engaging, but the fact is that it became routine rather quickly.

This was especially thanks to one early mission that played on the biggest map the game had to offer with more than 120 enemies, whom you’ll want to avoid engaging in direct gunfights. Instead, stealth is the way to go and methodically taking down one enemy at a time. I still wasn't sure about all the mechanics and had low level cops, so this this map was very slow and I kept thinking whether other maps will be the same, and whether I finish the game at all if they are.

Fortunately they weren't. The other maps, some were small and focused and some of them were still kind of big, but not as big. Maybe about 80 enemies. In general I enjoyed playing on all of them and it was easier and faster with each mission, because I was familiar with the mechanics and had skilled cops. That could however be considered a bad thing. The game wasn't really that hard.

So now, we have the routine, not very high difficulty and on top of that the enemy behaviors are very limited: they either patrol on a fixed path or stand still. Combined with only 2 enemy types. With just two enemy types (one goes down with a single hit, the other requires two), and their seeming afflictions of severe shortsightedness and glaucoma. You will figure out how to handle rather quickly and then its just rise and repeat.

Despite all these drawbacks, I still had fun. The art style is charming, the chill background music sets a relaxing tone, and the straightforward gameplay makes for a relaxing, enjoyable experience that I really recommend. One might say that in spite of off the issues the game has. But the fact is, that I do not really think that there are really issues with the game. I generally feel, that it is exactly as the developers intended it - very simple streamlined spin-off.
I believe, the reason this game exists is because they invested a lot of time building this for TitP2, but in the end they underutilized it that game. Now they had something functional on in their hands, that could potentially stand on its own as small standalone game and they could build it rather quickly and recoup some costs on the development since they didn't use it as much as they could in TitP2.

And it worked. It stood on its own rather well and even though and at around 15–20 hours, I did start to feel the repetition and routine weighing on me, it was not to a point of burnout. I would be still able to go through another mission or two without problem. In the end, I think the devs knew very well what they were doing when they wrapped up the the game when they did and achieved their goals with the game.
Posted 23 March.
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4.2 hrs on record
Great dark atmosphere, captivating music that fits the world and the game perfectly. Gameplay is simple yet efficient and provides a very enjoyable experience. Puzzles present enough challenge and remain engaging and fresh throughout the game as they do not repeat, and all of them have some uniqueness and cleverness to them. This all comes together in a deeply dark and Orwellian world that left me wanting more.

I had an amazing experience myself with this game. It is a must buy and a must play.
Posted 13 March.
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2 people found this review helpful
35.2 hrs on record
Superb game. The story and writing are very well done. It follows the story of Jack Boyd from the first game, and I must say I really enjoyed it. All the gameplay mechanics from the first game are improved - they are much more polished, immersive, and engaging. The "time wasted by waiting," which bothered me most in the first game, was significantly reduced in this sequel. It's still present but not to a level that would bother me.

The game itself covers a much shorter time period but feels fuller thanks to the improved content. The X-com styled missions were an interesting addition - even though at first, I thought they wouldn't fit the game. The truth is, they did. It was a good decision.

Graphically, the game is styled and presented in a way that won't wither with time. Even in 2025, I wouldn't be able to say whether the game was made today or seven years ago.

Lastly, the music is just great. I love that the devs invested in the soundtrack even more than in the first game. I missed the song selection at the start of the game a bit, but the fact is, that the first game, it was one of the things that started getting on my nerves after a time, and I often just skipped the music. Here, they pick one for you, and every single one I enjoyed and felt fit the atmosphere. So it was probably a good choice because I never got bored of the music.

Overall, I highly recommend this story driven narrative game. However, I would recommend you to play the first game first. It adds much of the needed context for the Jack's motivations and character. Without it, I am not sure I would get invested into this sequel enough to finish it because I would feel like I am missing pieces of a puzzle. If you didn't like the first game however, then I do not think you will enjoy this one. It is improvement on every level, but it retains the core systems and core gameplay elements.
Posted 8 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
32.0 hrs on record
A fun little game. The main character and the storyline are compelling enough to keep me hooked for the entirety of the game. The game mechanics are fundamentally very simple. Initially, I believed there was an underlying complexity to the decisions and the management of the policemen, but this was not the case, or perhaps I missed it somehow. Ultimatelly, this did not detract from my experience, as the story was the primary driving force for me. I just wanted to know how it ends for Jack.
What I didn't like, is that the game was unnecessarily long, and the management aspect didn't feel too challenging. Contrary to some online opinions/reviews that say the game can be really unfair, I myself did not felt that. However, I can understand how certain events might create an impression of unfairness. I was likely just fortunate that these events did not significantly impact my gameplay, leading me to conclude that the game was considerably easier than I expected.
At the end I really enjoyed my time with This is the Police and I would like to see if something changes with different decisions in another playthrough, but I won't. It just drags for too long, which might not be an issue if the much of that time wouldn't be just waiting.
So, my advice is play it, enjoy it, be glad that you did and move on.
Posted 26 January.
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2 people found this review helpful
8.4 hrs on record
I am happy to say that I enjoyed and liked this game.

I loved Until Dawn and ever since I played it on PS4, I wanted more. I had to wait many years for that, but I believe Man of Medan fulfills that desire - to a certain level.

I wish Man of Medan had more interesting characters, smoother mechanics and presentation, a better story, and tougher choices. I really wish they would expand on the experience. They tried, but in my opinion, they fell just short of what I would want from the game. Still... even though these aspects do not deliver the level of quality I would like, they are still good enough to make a compelling game that I really enjoyed. I'm glad I spent the time and money to finally have this experience, and I certainly recommend it with one caveat:

If you are not familiar with these types of games, I would recommend starting with Until Dawn. That game hooked me from the start. Man of Medan hooked me thanks to having already experienced Until Dawn and just wanting more. Now, thanks to having experienced both, I'm hooked for the rest of the Dark Pictures Anthology.

Posted 25 December, 2024.
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22.7 hrs on record
When I bought this game, I had no idea what I was getting into. What I found, however, is an amazing and fun game I never thought I would like. It surprised me how this simple design is so incredibly fun and addictive, creating that "one more run" feeling that consumed a lot of hours I would usually spend on more immersive games like RPGs and adventure games. Despite this, I just love playing this game. On one hand, it frustrates me because I would like to play something with a defined end and story. On the other hand, every time I run this game, it just engulfs me. I can't explain why—you probably just have to play it.

I definitely recommend this game for the experience and the price. It's just awesome. I don't know how else to describe it. It's a card game, but not like poker or any other card game you know. It explains itself perfectly, and you are immediately hooked. Honestly, I uninstall this game every time after I have a session with it because it's a great filler-type game that can consume a huge amount of time if you let it.

I have an extensive backlog of games I would like to get into, and not having this game installed all the time is often the only reason I'm not playing it every time I have a bit of free time. It's just that satisfying. There is no story or something that tells you, "Good, you did it; you beat the game." Because of that, I try to limit my time with it. But if you enjoy that each run is pretty short yet full of enjoyment, and you don't have much time for gaming otherwise, then this is the perfect pick for you.
Posted 9 December, 2024.
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25.8 hrs on record (21.7 hrs at review time)
The game today is an awesome competitor to Civilization. Will it remain so? We will see. For now, the expansions are a great addition to an already fun game. I see a lot of potential and hope for even better improvement to an already solid foundation. The game, as usual with civ-style games, is most fun at the beginning. This part of the game is expanding significantly in my opinion on what makes civ games great. I really love that. The only disappointment is that by the end of the game it falls into the same trap of uninteresting and broken gameplay where you are either heavily winning against all your opponents or you were defeated a long time ago. These later parts of the game still need some polish, unfortunately. I hoped they would come with something revolutionary for the genre in the later parts of the game; however, unfortunately, they did not. I see a very solid foundation they can build on, but I am not sure the modern ages in the game will change significantly if at all.

Is it still worth playing today? Definitely yes. I had a lot of fun through my playthroughs. It fell short by the end, as I already mentioned in the general review, but the journey was still worth it.
Posted 9 December, 2024.
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3.1 hrs on record (2.9 hrs at review time)
The game is exactly what it says it is. Small diorama and it excels in that. It beautiful, approachable, relaxing and exceptionally worthy for the asking price. I might not have a lot of play time on the fully released game, however, I played the demo as well and it just hooked me. I know that I will be coming back to this game from time to time when in need of a relaxation.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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