Taras   Ukraine

My 3 pillars of gameplay:

1. Hunt Giveth and Hunt Taketh. :huntbounty:===> Humility

2. Fight together or die alone. :huntbounty:===> Experience

3. Blood for the Blood God! :huntbounty:===> Сourage

Message to players from US East:

"Hi, boys. :hunterprofile:
I sometimes play in the US East for my viewers and if you think I'm killing you because I'm a "ping abuser" then you just don't understand how the netcode works. With my ping 120, it is 2 times harder for me to react and shoot, you died simply because in a particular situation I caught you in a mistake. If you don't take my word for it - come and look at the stream what happened and you will understand why I killed you. I am open to dialogue with any adequate hunter, because I understand you as a player - Hunt: Showdown is a tough game."
gg wp
Читер! Стреляет сквозь стены своей роскошной бородой!
Vito 1 Feb @ 12:52pm 
You're the best huntboy! GG!
Vito 1 Feb @ 12:38pm 
swag 18 Jan @ 1:55pm 
играли катку в 50 с чем то минут, проигали)
bididiu 24 Sep, 2024 @ 2:27pm 
+rep nice killer to farm with