กลุ่ม STEAM
World Gamers Online WGO
กลุ่ม STEAM
World Gamers Online WGO
20 พฤษภาคม 2009
เกี่ยวกับ World Gamers Online

International Gaming Community

WGO is a relaxed gaming community with a custom website, popular Ventrilo server, and a handful of game servers. We provide these three resources to clans that join up with us, creating game divisions within our broad range of activity. If you're interested, hop on our Ventrilo server and let us know.

Our main games on Steam are TF2, CSS, Garry's Mod, and L4D. Other games we frequent include Warcraft 3 (DOTA) and Battlefield Heroes, although still in beta.

For a more complete list of games and to get a feel for what we stand for, check our our fully loaded website below.

WGO homepage[www.wgoic.com]
Ventrilo information[wgoic.com]
Games we play[wgoic.com]
WGO News
Website down
26 ความเห็น
platinumacetric 5 ต.ค. 2013 @ 10: 29pm 
hey we still using mumble. If so whats he addresss
STJ 24 ก.พ. 2012 @ 3: 32pm 
I'm gonna spamm just so people have something nicer to see when they look at the group page.
Kinda.Ratchet_Spark 5 มิ.ย. 2011 @ 2: 30pm 
Sounds like your upset. i think you might have forgotten at some point you or (the person you said is crying) never HAD to do anything for anyone. Everything is purely optional. Always has been.
Retsudrats 5 มิ.ย. 2011 @ 1: 18am 
Im glad you all showed your true colors, and what good friends you are. No one said we were leaving WGO, we all just had personal reasons for taking the chance to start a new community, something Sarge had nothing to do with. Im glad your all the best friends anyone could have, cause you all totally could accept us for being friends with people. I didnt know being friends with someone that you guys hated was such a crime. And to make you all feel better, that guy who spent more then a year with you people, spend hundred of dollars in buying games for you people, is now crying because of your selfishness. Thats being a ♥♥♥♥, and to think we thought we could trust any of you to be understanding and accepting friends is far beyond me to comprehend. Just goes to show that you cant just trust anyone these days. Heaven forbid any of us want to get out and meet new people that arent involved in your community.
Cheesey 8 ก.พ. 2011 @ 5: 14pm 
Get on mumble! download here http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ server name WGOIC
STJ 2 ต.ค. 2010 @ 7: 53am 
Anyone alive?
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20 พฤษภาคม 2009