Warlock Brawl warlockbrawl
Warlock Brawl warlockbrawl
21 December, 2012
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Do you want a Warlock standalone game?

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The Kokon 24 Dec, 2014 @ 3:31am 
I think a standalone version would be really awesome and I would deffinitely play it, but as you say there are setbacks if you were to do this. I would love to see a standalone version someday, but I think that at this moment in time it's better to focus on the Dota 2 custom game since Valve is planning to implement full support for custom gamemodes. I don't really know much about making of custom gamemodes but I feel that its possible that what Valve relases (whatever it may be) could potentially give you the options to implement some new mechanics (I don't know, but I hope it will).

So in short: I think you should focus on Dota 2 custom gamemode at this point in time, but don't give up on the standalone version. Wait to see if the gamemode in Dota 2 raises interest when custom gamemodes are officialy released, and based on that interest decide if it would be worth your while to make a standalone version.

Thanks for the great work and keep it up :)
Lar 8 Nov, 2014 @ 2:07pm 
I think Warlock as a custom game in Dota 2 would be better but I think you guys can judge it better.

From what I've heard custom games in Dota 2 can be really powerful but it is still in alpha. In the near future (early next year) Valve is supposed to release something big. Probably custom game support.

From your positive and negative analysis it seems the negatives outweights the positives. Regarding your positives I think making an end-stats-screen is already possible. Some people in the modding community also seem to work on a RPG which can automatically save and load, custom spells are also already possible. The controls are still limited but I think Valve will give you more options. Though that will take a while.

I would say work on Warlock as a custom game, build the community from there and if it's getting big consider of making a standalone but don't think about making a standalone now.

Either way I'm looking forward to Warlock. :d2rubick: