toxiC0RP TC0RP
toxiC0RP TC0RP
2 maja 2021
O toxiC0RP

Welcome to ToxiC0RP!

A brand new community for a brand new live-stream.

In Januari 2021 we started streaming on
To give this a chance of success, we made this Steam-Community to keep all our viewers (and our soon-to-be viewers) up-to-date on when we stream!

We are Skullripper and Chatoevia, 2 lovely people streaming games. Streaming both seperately as well as together.
Check our past broadcasts and/or check out our stream when we're live! See you there!

We would like to invite you on our Twitch[] and enjoy time with us!

Streaming as much as possible and entertaining you as a viewer is gonna be our goal!

If you watched our stream before, we would be so happy if you liked it and joined our community.
If you have any questions, tips, or anythin else to tell us, please do! We're happy to receive anything that can improve us!

Being in this group doesn't mean you have to be an active viewer of course. By joining this community, you let us know you support us, even when you're not watching.

Right now we are aiming to grow. Later on, we might wanna add some sort of giveaway system. That's for the future.

New here? Join us in a stream and look for yourself!

We'll be putting out an announcement here every time we go online!

We'll be streaming in 3 ways,
1. Streaming without voice
2. Streaming in English
3. Very rarely streaming in Dutch

We try to keep it all in english of course, so that you can understand everything we say.

Wanna support us? There are a few ways to do that:
1. Follow us on Twitch
2. Join our stream when we're live.
3. Invite your friends/family to this community
4. Invite your friends/family to join the stream

Thinking of other things you can do to support us? Yes please!

Now the not so fun part...
We do have rules here, as well as on twitch.
Breaking any of the rules may result in a timeout or ban. Keep the chat in English and respect the following rules:

1: Do not spam
2: No links allowed, unless permission is granted
3: No racism, sexism or discrimination
4: No advertising

We hope to see you on Twitch! See you there!

Chill Stream Part 2
Chill stream, come say hi!
Komentarzy: 2
Skullripper 2 maja 2021 o 3:54 
Welcome first!
Nice to see you here too Defox :)
Defox01 2 maja 2021 o 3:36 