space engineers qc empire s-e I.E.C
space engineers qc empire s-e I.E.C
18 maart 2014
46 opmerkingen
ThatWasFire 29 jul 2016 om 10:54 
If anyone is looking for an active SE SERVER run by an active group I have a few up and have a really active admin team including myself making sure they are constantly running smoothly. We just opened one in partnership with ISB who happens to be the dude commenting below me lol I'll also note the Faction server is open for any community or faction to join, the more the better as it will keep the dynamics interesting and the RP fresh alongside the PvP / PvE in game.

--Connection Info--
NAME: CDF - ISB Farpoint System

Teamspeak: Pass: Funishere
Steam Group:
Elodin 14 okt 2015 om 21:36 
No more crap about doing ♥♥♥♥. WE ARE GOING TO DO CRAP!
The navy will not be the navy anymore. IT will be the Royal Democractic Navy of the government. Answered to the council of leaders which are group administrators. We have a group that works on our prototypes. More alliances. A training facility is being constructed. More ships too by other group shipyards. We arent dead. We're constructing a pathway. A pathway to freedom and equality in our nation.



A message to all related groups
Elodin 4 sep 2015 om 0:27 
Yet an Introduction is needed from me. I am chancellor Pheonix of the Democratic nation of the ISB. I know French and German with some other languages. Diplomatic Realations can be discussed via steam chat or our Foreign Relations Forum within our group.


Pourtant, une introduction est nécessaire de moi. Je suis chancelier Pheonix de la nation démocratique du BSI. Je sais français et en allemand avec quelques autres langues. Realations diplomatiques peuvent être discutées par chat vapeur ou notre Forum des relations étrangères au sein de notre groupe.
Arkelyx 20 aug 2015 om 11:54 
Just so you know, guys, me and Xexcel are planning a 40-people fight (20 I.E.C. and 20 from another group) with imported ships(blueprints) and a bunch of mods. I want to know who would be interested. There's still no date for the fight, but it would help to know who's in.
Xexcel 20 apr 2015 om 4:29 
hey guys Sektan is doing logo mods and he is asking for people to send him their logos so finaly il try to do the vote quite soon so stay tuned guys ;D
Cripple 25 jan 2015 om 10:28 
Hey, just wanted to let you guys know that after scouting around a bunch of different servers I think I've found a decent procedural survival server we could actually do some PvP on. As of now I and another member have established a main base with ample production facilities to support ship construction and expansion. I've also used the faction waypoint system to perform a survey of most nearby asteroids so if you need more raw materials you should know where to go.

Most importantly, for every ship you have including spawn ship, make sure it is powered and has a beacon frame placed as soon as possible. Otherwise you will lose your work during trash cleanup. The frame only costs one steel plate, grind armor off spawnship if you have to.

Server name is "Galactic Empires"

Cytrix Drakani 11 jan 2015 om 18:09 
and tehn you ask for a invite into it
Cytrix Drakani 11 jan 2015 om 18:09 
dat moment when you forget you are in this group
Xexcel 10 jan 2015 om 22:37 
hey guys got a good new okay our server is still off but i finded id sad that we had no place to play survival togeter.Somes of my friends already had a base in a populated procedural server theyre quite far from the start so to join em joi ntheir faction IEC Interstellar Engineers Coorporation.Press backscape and resurect at med bay to join us
the server is named TSF Procedural - Exploration but just look for TSF and you should find it. Hope to see many of you guys there.

Xexcel :tec:
Xexcel 25 dec 2014 om 7:46 
hey guys happy christmas everyone! :eagle:

joyeu noel a tous! :eagle:
Xexcel 16 dec 2014 om 18:39 
okay guys srry was bussy with manny thing and relaxed in others games with my free time. i got a few exam this week but after them i promise i'll start both logo and moto contest. :eagle:
Xexcel 12 dec 2014 om 14:32 
have a great idea but dont know how to build it? ask for help here
Xexcel 25 nov 2014 om 4:11 
hey guys i build working assault drop pod to enter the enemy ships and stations in style while lowering the danger for the troops while they reach the ship :eagle:
Xexcel 7 nov 2014 om 18:39 
working on a new ship wit ha friend : The Leviathan designed for survival games it got lots of reactors and bateries and is also designed to be fast and to turn well it have a big hanguard for land vehicles and 2 other for ships 1g gravity all over the rooms of the ship,somes turrets and im planing on adding somes of my weapons and maybe somes other surprises oh and wel also make cre quarters,captain room,bar and that kind of stuff. still WIP but got somes good screenshots if you wana see. will probably be on the workshop in a few days. :spacebooze:
Xexcel 23 sep 2014 om 16:56 
okay finaly the song is out was just having a problem with the shiping + the name of download for full album was same than the one preview song so now i got the album just need some time to work on this map
Xexcel 22 sep 2014 om 14:26 
srry guys the recruiting video wont come fopr a litle while i was needing more time to work on the map + the album i was waiting to get out to use it in the vid seem to be a bit late so srry guys
Xexcel 6 sep 2014 om 8:10 
hey guys were gathering ideas for slogans(one week) in one week i start votes for slogan and logos be sure to be there for the vote there's gona be one or two week before the votes end and.
good engineering time everyone.
-Xexcel :eagle:
Xexcel 3 sep 2014 om 20:05 
no need t ouse this on tall maps of everyone but at least in our server and official maps im gona say to nukeguard to use the system in our server
Xexcel 3 sep 2014 om 20:04 
hey guys a few days ago i was thinking that if we do kind of trades of recources between worlds or want to use our how cargo ship (not ship wit hlot of carg ocontainers and conveyors one that transport crates) were gona need to have the same system so ive been thinking to the best system i could make and i made a nice litle transport ship to come with it
Xexcel 30 aug 2014 om 18:30 
welcome in our clan dont forgot to give a look to our chat some interesting stuff coming
CW 28 aug 2014 om 21:27 
thanks for the invite in, haven't made it to the server yet but hope to soon
Xexcel 28 jul 2014 om 18:10 
nuke torpeado for survival 10x almost finish only need a bit reworking for a mark 6 ;3 pics on my pictures wall as usual ;3
Xexcel 28 jul 2014 om 18:10 
variante pour monde survie 10X presque terminé celement besoin dumpeu d'optimisation pour un mark6 ;3 images sur mon mur d'images come d'abitude ;3
Dan2D3D 27 jul 2014 om 19:40 
Cool! Keep at it! :approve:
Xexcel 27 jul 2014 om 19:39 
grande nouvelle les gars mes premiers test avec mon idée de NUKE TORPEADO sont concluent et encore plus destructeur que prévu ;3
Xexcel 27 jul 2014 om 19:38 
greath news guys my first testing about my NUKE TORPEADO look like it may work....even more than i espected ;3
Dan2D3D 26 jul 2014 om 2:26 
Salut les amis j'ai fini ma Frigate de Mass Effect ca ete un bon defi de travailler en angle j'espere que vous allez aimer! ;)

Hi my friends I'm done with the Mass Effect Alliance Frigate I can say that it was a very good challenge to work in angle I hope you will like it! ;)

VIDEO and Download here :
Xexcel 19 jul 2014 om 19:44 
server is on! - le serveur est en ligne!
Xexcel 14 jul 2014 om 5:54 
hi lexator we are curently making a server for the clan that is hosted by nukeguard but for now,there are not realy players in
i will ask him do do a post with the data of the servers
LexatorYT 14 jul 2014 om 3:51 
Hello fellow spacies! My name is Astronaut Lex and I am looking for a universe (server) that I can join with active players and also Souht Africa ping friendly. Anyone know of such servers or have a server I can join and test my connection to play on full time?
Xexcel 10 jul 2014 om 2:04 
salut a tous jai une tres bonne nouvelle mon dernier prototype d'arme a réusit a passer a travers 50 blocks dépaiseur d'armure lourde!!! ici pour les images
Xexcel 10 jul 2014 om 2:03 
hey everyone greath new! my last weapon prototype can hold up to 9 bulet and one of them can go trought 50 layers of heavy armor! here for the pictures
Xexcel 4 jul 2014 om 18:44 
-but its not beacause i was not there that i did nothing. i made miself new plans and i have think to remake the grade system so, to beacome moderator,you will only need to pass a few mins lesson with an administrator or myself where we will explain you how work somes mecanisism of gadgets and weapon that we will use in ships for clan battles so,it will be more easy to know who know how our ships work and who were gona be explaining everything to. i also think that maybie we could do litles training games or fleet strategy chat that are not obligatory let me know what you think of it ;3
Xexcel 4 jul 2014 om 18:44 
-mais ce nest pas parceque je nétai pas la que je nai pas chaumé jai preparé de nouveaux plans et jai pensé a refaire le systeme de grades pour devenir moderateur il faudra seulement paser un petit ''cours'' petites partie de quelque minute ou un administrateur ou moi méme vous expliquera le fonctionement des mécanismes de,de gadget et d'armes que nous utiliseront dans les vaiseaux lors de batailes de clans ce cera allor plus facile de savoir a qui il faudra tout expliquer et qui sait deja tous. jai pensé quon pourait peut etre fere de petites parties de pratique ou de chat sur des stratégies en combats qui ne sont pas obligatoires dites moi ce que vous en penser ;3
Xexcel 4 jul 2014 om 18:28 
hello everyone im realy hapy to say that im in my new house and that i finaly get my new gamer pc conected so im BACK IN THE GAME! ;3

salut a tous je suis tres heureux de vous anoncer que la phase ''déménagement'' est terminé et que jai finalement recu mon nouvel ordi gamer je suis de retour pour de bon ;3
Dan2D3D 29 jun 2014 om 10:31 
Hi friends my new creation is ready FIRE RAPTOR W40K:eagle:
Dan2D3D 3 jun 2014 om 5:47 
:eagle:NORMANDY SR2 pret pour telechargement
NORMANDY SR2 in Mass Effect Collection is raedy for download : :eagle:
Xexcel 31 mei 2014 om 7:15 
tnx my friend ;3
nukeguard 30 mei 2014 om 19:04 
Just found the clan page, will post some ships and a couple stations on here when I get to Pennsylvania
Xexcel 14 mei 2014 om 9:59 
hey mauvaise nouvelle mon pc a damisere je le renvoye au magasin le fere réparer ce soir ou demain je pourais pas jouer pendant 3-4 jours

hey bad news i have somes isues with my computer so tonight or tomorow i send it back to the shop for repair so i will not be able to play 3-4days
Dan2D3D 14 mei 2014 om 9:58 
J'ai besoin de 6 ou 7 amis pour la video de mon prochain vaisseau si vous voulez participer ajouter un commantaire sur mon profil. :eagle: :eagle:I will need 6 or maybe 7 friends to participate in the making of a video with my new creation TURIAN DREADNOUGHT if you want to participate for the footage simply comment on my profile. :eagle:
Dan2D3D 12 mei 2014 om 6:06 
INVICTUS définition : l'invaincu, in English The INVINCIBLE. :eagle:
Dan2D3D 12 mei 2014 om 5:50 
I'm proposing my SOL INVICTUS as the first ship of QC Empire I.E.C. I will modify it with the future LOGO of QC Empire group and enhance it with heavy armor. Check it and comment.
Xexcel 11 mei 2014 om 22:43 
;3 biend on a besoin de tout modeles de vaiseau,modeles de stations idées de logo,couleurs,slogan n oublier pas quon votera tous lorse quon aura asser didées merci et n oublier pas d inviter vos amis

;3 good we need all ,ship ,station,logo idea,color,clogan dont forget that we will all vote whe neill will got enoft ideas and dont forget to invite your friends
Dan2D3D 9 mei 2014 om 14:27 
Made in Quebec. :eagle:
Dan2D3D 9 mei 2014 om 14:26 
Thanks for the invitation. Merci Nic entre deux vaisseaux de Mass Effect je vais travailler sur quelque idées. :knightshield: