Source Tools SRCTools
Source Tools SRCTools
15 February, 2010
★healthyfood★ 8 Jul, 2013 @ 12:10am 
Anyone know how can i get intouch with Dispenser GUM?
beans 24 Apr, 2012 @ 8:31pm 
Ehrm, the program is kinda broken with the recent update. It'd be awesome if you could fix your fantastic work of art. D: I looove it sooo much, and I'd hate to see it go to waste...
Oie 2 Jul, 2011 @ 4:05am 
Is it better to be in a server with a lot of players?
You've probably hit your weekly cap :<
Sickboy :D 13 Jul, 2010 @ 11:08am 
Are people still getting drops with this? I've been idling all day and haven't had a single item
flying dispenser is flying 5 Jul, 2010 @ 1:59am 
No, Double nine thousand D:
Bobanon 13 Jun, 2010 @ 6:34pm 
over 9000 weeks
lol1pop2 13 Jun, 2010 @ 10:18am 
How long i need to idle to get hat? 1 week or more?
erf 24 May, 2010 @ 9:57am 
valve killed your computer
Rhia 24 May, 2010 @ 4:40am 
Which...still didn't work.
Rhia 24 May, 2010 @ 4:32am 
Still says "Error Steam Not Installed". I'm just gonna reinstall Steam to see if that works.
erf 22 May, 2010 @ 2:59am 
redownload source tools
Rhia 21 May, 2010 @ 11:14pm 
Don't know if anyone else has gotten this problem, but I recently my Windows user profile was acting screwy so I created another one, but now Source Tools is saying that Steam isn't installed. I sure hope I don't have to reinstall Steam entirely.
erf 21 May, 2010 @ 2:57am 
Say what you want but I have *BOTH* of the new weapons from idling on sourcetools.
_LORD_ 21 May, 2010 @ 1:52am 
why is iit keep on autoupdateing non stop?
Nuator 10 May, 2010 @ 5:18am 
Quit this groups because idle is dead.
erf 6 May, 2010 @ 2:28am 
so what is with the two console windows with easy spectate?

Isn't that banned? Or is the game hidden?
Sickboy :D 21 Apr, 2010 @ 4:05am 
Idling isn't dead, just restricted somewhat. Source Tools will be back.
Dioxide 21 Apr, 2010 @ 2:56am 

BENNY ◢ ◤ 21 Apr, 2010 @ 2:24am 
Idling isnt so great now, goobye some idlers :(
Dioxide 21 Apr, 2010 @ 2:02am 
isnt idling useless now ??
Brano + Shag FP 20 Apr, 2010 @ 5:11pm 
It this useless with new idle update?
Jojje 20 Apr, 2010 @ 8:55am 
What Drunken F00l's idle program did was directly emulate TF2's net code and trick the Steam Cloud into thinking that you were running TF2, and was connected to a server. Which you weren't, you were just connected up to a hub with thousands of other people.

What Source Tools does is use TF2 itself, to connect to several, real, idle servers. This means that it does not emulate TF2, it IS TF2 itself.

So in theory, it is safe.
MadJewishMax 20 Apr, 2010 @ 8:00am 
Hi Mr. Gum.

I know you probably get this question a billion times a day, but... I'd just like to be reassured.

Is Source Tools safe to use? There was a tread tthat was JUST made on the Steam Forums about it and a moderator's response was "You use it at your own risk" and closed the thread.

Now, I understand ST has a number of less unnaceptable differences from Drunken f00l's Idle Program, but... I'm still worried. If VALVe were to go for people using it, I'd loose ALL my times for "cheating the weapon drop system" more than once.

So... is it safe?
Dispenser GUM 19 Apr, 2010 @ 5:10pm 
@ Rocket - No those two commands were the only things fixed in the reupload.
A rocket-propelled dinosaur 19 Apr, 2010 @ 10:45am 
Thanks - that's all I was going to use the commands for anyway. But were there any other minor bugs fixed in the reuploaded c5? If not, I'll stick with the one I've got. :)
Dispenser GUM 18 Apr, 2010 @ 11:30am 
@ Rocket - yes the early release of 0.95c5 was broken for those commands, but it was reuploaded and fixed. They wont work for testing email notificaiton
A rocket-propelled dinosaur 18 Apr, 2010 @ 8:20am 
Dispenser - not sure if you saw my message, but in c5 the commands 'hatdrop' and 'itemdrop' don't work. Gives an error 'echo was unexpected at this time'.
new year flambe 18 Apr, 2010 @ 1:40am 
Ok then. I'll keep looking on here then to see if I'm up to date.
Dispenser GUM 17 Apr, 2010 @ 7:37pm 
@ Flambé - When TF2 is launched, it automatically updates. If you're talking about ST self-updating, that's hard work, but it's in my to-do list.
new year flambe 17 Apr, 2010 @ 1:48pm 
Would it be possible to make Source Tools check for updates on launch, then update if one is available?
Dispenser GUM 16 Apr, 2010 @ 11:31am 
@Radziu - Because Didrole's SIM gives you complete control over your backpack. IT doesn't just monitor your backpack from public data like does.

@cheesesteak - When we have enough stats and parsed the results, Fireslash will make a thread about it on FP and probably SPUF. I will also make an accouncement in this group. Don't worry ;)
Cheesesteak 16 Apr, 2010 @ 11:20am 
I got the new release, the one that gathers data. Good work! I regeistered at . I know that it is too early for any info at all to be displayed, but when there is info, where would it be displayed at?
High as a kite 14 Apr, 2010 @ 11:45pm 
fod: change idle monitor from lulz to didrole's.

Dispenser: i have little question, i know that didrole's manager isnt yours, but maybe you know... why didrole's monitor ties to inject into steam process?
Dioxide 14 Apr, 2010 @ 11:37pm 
but its just working btw but its annoying and i found the sleep solution
Dioxide 14 Apr, 2010 @ 11:14pm 
oh i also have another problem.

my Pc keep telling me that team fortress to has stopped working and it comes back every 10 seconds and i cant stop it ...
Dioxide 14 Apr, 2010 @ 10:51pm 
yeah i already tough it was that....

but how do i stop it :(
Dispenser GUM 14 Apr, 2010 @ 5:54pm 
@ foD - Make sure your computer isn't going into sleep mode when you're away. Sleep mode = not idling. Okay? Okay!
Dioxide 14 Apr, 2010 @ 12:23am 
hey Gum i really like your sourcetool (got 5 items in 6-8houres)

but when i run it and i leave it alone and then when i check it i got nothing and it says i lost connection to server (when i click it) is there something in the options i dont have right or something?
Dispenser GUM 11 Apr, 2010 @ 9:06pm 
@Angerfist - type "help"
Maxi 10 Apr, 2010 @ 1:52pm 
is there other commands, like quit, you can type in while ST is running? haven't been able to find anything about this anywhere.
A rocket-propelled dinosaur 9 Apr, 2010 @ 8:51am 
Ok, awesome! Great program :)
Dispenser GUM 8 Apr, 2010 @ 6:35pm 
@rocket - It's fixed in 0.95c4, I made a mistake in the criteria for demo recording values.
A rocket-propelled dinosaur 7 Apr, 2010 @ 10:22am 
Hey Dispenser, was wondering if the auto demo recording on SRCTools still works? It wouldn't work on 0.94 k4 and now I can't even set the option to '1' for it to activate. Maybe you disabled the feature?
GoGoMic 28 Mar, 2010 @ 8:04am 
I tried it last night, it works. Great job man
Epic Eric 26 Mar, 2010 @ 6:16pm 
You are the man. Thank you for the awesome tool. You got me 2 or 3 hats :D
|TB-Side| kleinerazul 8 Mar, 2010 @ 11:10am 
Dispenser thanks for all your helps, I love you man ;D

and this programs is awesome
Bobanon 25 Feb, 2010 @ 12:30am 
TY 4 your nice prog ;)
Irvoir 20 Feb, 2010 @ 12:26am 