กลุ่ม STEAM
Smosh_ Smosh_
5 มีนาคม 2020
เกี่ยวกับ Smosh_

The Best Wingmen

"We Rule High School"

[Anthony:] Uh
What up freshmen?
[Ian:] All the freshmen in the house say "Yeah"
[Anthony:] Yes!
[Ian:] I said all the freshmen in the house say "Yeah"!
[Anthony:] Yep! Uh, uh here we go!

[Ian:] High school
Is pretty crap
So we're gonna teach you
With this hecka cool rap
How to get through
Your first year in school
And how to be like us and be
Super cool!

[Anthony:] If you wanna be cool
You gotta get to school late
Cool guys always show up to school late
The teacher might smack you and
Player hate
But don't worry, bro
You can hit her with a tate-er tot!
Tater tots are great weapons and great food
Put em in your pocket for lunchtime
But they get your pocket all hecka greasy
Cafeteria pizza
Will make you queasy

[Both:] Being a freshman is totally fresh, man
Ditch class, punch bullies, throw em in a trash can
If a teacher tries to fail you don't get mad
Just go home and ♥♥♥♥♥ about it to your dad

[Ian:] There isn't such thing as being bullied
That's just called
Being a ♥♥♥♥♥
Step up to the bully
Grab his balls
And give em
A great big pinch!
I once pinched a bullies
Balls so hard they fell
On the ground
He cried like a big dumb baby
As a kicked them all around
His doctors tried to sew his balls back on but they just
Couldn't do it
Cause I broke into the operating room, grabbed his sack
And I threw it!
[Anthony:] Into his mom's mouth!

[Both:] Being a freshman is totally fresh, man
Ditch class, punch bullies, throw em in a trash can
If a teacher tries to fail you don't get mad
Just go home and ♥♥♥♥♥ about it to your dad

[Anthony:] Doing good in class and paying attention is for losers
I do good grammar and all I do is stare at teacher's hooters!
But I still get A's in every class, wanna know how?
Cause I ch-ch-ch-ch-cheat
Let us show you now

[Ian:] You hide in a plant for a couple of hours
Till everyone's gone away
Then you sneak to the computer
Use cool hacks
And change
All your grades
Just watch out for the big janitor that comes at night
Try blinding him
With your big flashlight
Then beat him to death
With a big chalk stick
And kick him repeatedly in his big, long-

[Both:] Being a freshman is totally fresh, man
Ditch class, punch bullies, throw em in a trash can
If a teacher tries to fail you don't get mad
Just go home and ♥♥♥♥♥ about it to your dad

Being a freshman is totally fresh, man
Ditch class, punch bullies, throw em in a trash can
If a teacher tries to fail you don't get mad
Just go home and ♥♥♥♥♥ about it to your dad

[Anthony:] High school is not a place for f-f-f-f-fun
It's a place for making out with chicks and scoring digits son
So never do homework and always ditch

[Both:] And that's how you survive high school ♥♥♥♥♥!
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5 มีนาคม 2020