กลุ่ม STEAM
SaF Highlander Mash Up SaFmix
กลุ่ม STEAM
SaF Highlander Mash Up SaFmix
10 เมษายน 2012
เกี่ยวกับ SaF Highlander Mash Up

The highlander gather for when yonus is too lazy to host;)

Due to our double mixes becoming increasingly popular and regular, i may present to you the

Sandviches are Forever Highlander Mashup Group!

We play 9v9 double mixes, mostly highly spontaneous.
Since this is in no way, shape or form is copied from colony, yet strangely similar, i will just copy/paste most of their rules, which also coincidentially apply here:

1. Events are posted here, sign up in comments, or join mumble directly if we are about to start.

2. Use of comms is mandatory. If you want to play highlander silent, use TF2Lobby.

3. If there are no volunteers, last one to Spectator is Medic. Pay attenttion.

3.a. People who have been medic once, dont have play medic again, unless they want to.

4. Usually teams are picked with a complicated fat kid system. Medics ( melee ) fight each other for first pick. The Medic who wins, selects a player, then the losing Medic gets a pick. After this, the player picked in the first team chooses a player and so forth. In other words, the previously picked player is the one who chooses the next player for his/her team.

5. Last person remaining is the fat kid and people may laugh at him.

6. Discuss which class you want to play with your team.

7. If the teams are unbalanced, they are repicked at the start of the next map ( includes 'Last to Spec is Medic' if no volunteers ).

Get Mumble here: http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
SaF Mumble IP:
Port: 64738
No password

Anybody with an interest in competitive tf2 is highly welcome, so invite your friends!


P.S.: Credit for the idea to make a mix group and the fat kid system goes to colony.

P.P.S: I have no proof whatsoever that yonus actually is lazy;)
Fix for the recently broken mumble overlay
IRC Highlander pickup bots
17 ความเห็น
Selek 25 ก.พ. 2013 @ 5: 44am 
Sends messages with phishing links (presumably), watch out!
Lantak 31 ส.ค. 2012 @ 8: 54am 
Damn it ! It won't be before 2200 CET. Sorry for delaying.
Lantak 29 ส.ค. 2012 @ 12: 31pm 
Hello, I can manage a HL mix friday august 31th from 1900 or 2000 CET. I can bring 5 players at least. My server is a bit laggy but it can be still ok. Are you interested ?
minbody 27 มิ.ย. 2012 @ 10: 44am 
Some mofos are sending a chat request to the members of this group , the guy is named "Hi" and he's trying to hijack your account by sending a pishing link. Watch out for him , i don't want to see anyone getting hijacked by this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ rofl.
Selek 27 มิ.ย. 2012 @ 10: 44am 
I just got a message from someone with the name "Hi." via this group. He wanted me to click a link to get a free hat, so probably a scammer. I reported him. So just a heads up to watch out and block him. And of course: DON'T CLICK THE LINK!
sno «+» 11 เม.ย. 2012 @ 9: 47am 
0 ในแช็ต
10 เมษายน 2012