Rthaur Gamers RthaurG
Rthaur Gamers RthaurG
2014 年 7 月 19 日
关于 Rthaur Gamers


Hi all, It's anon here. It's been a great run. A real great run. Some of you're not happy with me, management-wise, and with some of the decisions i've made in the past. Be it with the incidents with the jailbreak server, with zeddy/cameron, maybe even some moderators on the servers. This is my explanation thread, to explain all that's happened in the past, and everything that I've gone through as the community owner of RthaurG and RDG. Some of you may be unhappy with the decision i'm about to make. Some even worst than others. I apologize. My dreams were once to create, manage and host popular and fun game-servers on CSGO or CSS.

I first bought CSGO in the year 2014. Then, CSGO wasn't as popular or as well known as it is today. It's really awesome to see how far the CSGO community has come. Today, I'm making a decision that'll upset many. Before I state what, I'll go on to state the timeline and then explain why. The story starts out with me hopping onto a CSGO server for the first time! I was amazed at how everyone was actually having fun. With the new and customized game modes from CS:S. I was on a Jailbreak server. I loved it. However, there were many issues with the current server at that time. I wanted to change that, and so I did. I invested my time into figuring out how game-servers work, and I started the very first server RthaurG would have. It was a humble and small jailbreak server.

I think some of you can see where this is going. I should move on, move on with my real life and focus on my studies. I'm now in a polytechnic, and it's of utmost important that I graduate in what I'm majoring in. Why? some may ask. I'm too desperate. I'm trying to revive and sustain a community which isn't there anymore! I'm trying to hard, spending too much money not properly committing. I struggle with finding time to deal with the community, install updates and sometimes... because of the lack of my commitment, the community doesn't work well. There are internal issues with the moderators and admins arguing with each other, the abuse of power on multiple occasions and finally, the occasion where I have to pick a side over the other. It's happened far too many times.

What do I see? The lack of commitment from myself. I've not contributed enough time to management or anything else. That some see that this is solely the reason as to why the RDG and RthaurG community is crumbling, I've decided to move on.

Although, we can't just neglect what we've done here! We've built a community from ground up!. We've started all the way from Vulmest's first jailbreak server... then yakuza's, then finally RthaurGs! I'm very grateful and elated to have enjoyed this journey with you. It'll always stay as a part of myself I can never forget. A childhood where I didn't go outdoors to have fun, but rather an unforgetable expierence i'll share with many others online.

Thank you for sticking with RDG & RthaurG!
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Once last chance!
Rthaur Gamers 的评测
"Counter Strike Global offensive"
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1,761 条留言
Decaror 2021 年 3 月 20 日 下午 10:50 
Hi there
SebbyDesu 2021 年 2 月 7 日 上午 7:12 
ayo babymagikarp here if anyone remembers
东北盗号王 2020 年 12 月 20 日 上午 11:51 
TehTarik 2020 年 6 月 17 日 上午 5:16 
feelsbad i miss jailbreak
ppp 2020 年 5 月 7 日 上午 6:33 
miss the old day when KUY used to be server jokes
Microsoft Excel 2020 年 4 月 23 日 上午 11:25 
yoz can we bring rthaurg back :(
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47 聊天中
2014 年 7 月 19 日