RobCorp RobCorp
RobCorp RobCorp
28 May, 2013
United States 
Lyric 30 Dec, 2016 @ 6:58pm 
Still waiting :[
Lanko DeFranko 7 Aug, 2016 @ 11:11pm 
some gayass ♥♥♥♥ like every single day
MERIPURSU 7 Aug, 2016 @ 9:45pm 
fg 7 Aug, 2016 @ 7:22pm 
so uh, any news?
MERIPURSU 19 Jun, 2016 @ 3:11am 
oh hell yeah dude
Throedoe 15 Jun, 2016 @ 9:15pm 
No criticism allowed. You will be exterminated in 5 minutes. Thank you for participating.
Lyric 15 Jun, 2016 @ 9:08pm 
I still await the revival
111112oo 29 May, 2016 @ 10:40am 
i hardly remember much people
Krooshev / Saint 24 May, 2016 @ 11:28pm 
I remember every single one of you lol
Bobby 27 Mar, 2016 @ 3:36pm 
make some kind of anouncement plx when its going life
Lanko DeFranko 20 Mar, 2016 @ 7:14pm 
it will give me aids when the server launch
Lyric 20 Mar, 2016 @ 6:48pm 
Oh man, the nostalgia.
MERIPURSU 20 Mar, 2016 @ 2:14pm 
just as i was about to hang myself
MERIPURSU 5 Mar, 2016 @ 4:13am 
are you people even alive anymore lmao
PROaffDES 22 Dec, 2015 @ 10:30pm 
Black men are my favourites.
lorenzo!!! 14 Dec, 2015 @ 11:12pm 
I love memes
Gibbulon 10 Dec, 2015 @ 7:44pm 
The server may be back but my will to live isn't HAHAHAHAHA...... Ha... ha...
111112oo 5 Dec, 2015 @ 9:31am 
and the fact he was fat
Jackler 4 Dec, 2015 @ 6:24am 
Birdman, no idea why you were having a go at us calling Chauffer fat, he's the reason the server went down under in the first place, defending the very person who was hopjb's downfall. get out of here man.
Throedoe 29 Nov, 2015 @ 9:31pm 
maybe you're the fat one cuz you're screaming at us
Burdman 29 Nov, 2015 @ 7:39pm 
instead of calling chauffer fat maybe try to get THE DAMN SERVER ONLINE ITS BEEN LIKE ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 4 MONTHS AND YOU ARE CALLING CHAUFFER FAT WHILE YOU ARE HERE SITTING ON YOUR LAZY ASS NOT DOING ♥♥♥♥... just had to get that out
Lanko DeFranko 4 Nov, 2015 @ 7:40pm 
Sage the Drifter 31 Oct, 2015 @ 4:41pm 
guess i should take a look in the near future aswell :P
Lanko DeFranko 17 Oct, 2015 @ 8:02pm 
no worries KrayzeeK! i already called him fat
Burdman 10 Oct, 2015 @ 7:09pm 
plz help why cant i join ze hopjb server
krayzeek 30 Sep, 2015 @ 8:40pm 
I'd gladly call him fat but he has me blocked since I called him a lonely ♥♥♥♥♥♥ too much :^)
A$AP GOCHU 20 Sep, 2015 @ 6:37am 
hi guise. newb here.(^_^) *waves at members* can someone plz walk me through the steps of this game. basic tutorial of jailbreak would be great. k thx bye.
Throedoe 12 Sep, 2015 @ 5:09pm 
whoever calls chauffer fat on his profile gets 25% off admin in the future
Lanko DeFranko 12 Sep, 2015 @ 1:20pm 
guys plz
Jackler 10 Sep, 2015 @ 12:49am 
ChauffeR was (from what I could tell) the reason it died in the first place, having him (the one that was the most strict person I've ever seen, the one who made a sheet to see which admins were on EVERY DAY without fail) as mod would spell disaster.
Throedoe 7 Sep, 2015 @ 7:11am 
are you kidding me.. chauffer is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥.. lol
Burdman 6 Sep, 2015 @ 2:47pm 
i'm just saying this as a tip ad chauffer to the moderators because like hopjb is one of the best tf2 communitys ever i've played with them for a long time until the crash and the lonelyness of the server so yeah plz work on the server i just want to see my old friends back
Throedoe 1 Sep, 2015 @ 12:56am 
hey guys.. uh.. ezekiel told me to tell you that we're having uh... technical problems! yeah! we'll let you know when our penises are ready.
Burdman 30 Aug, 2015 @ 3:17pm 
come on guys i loved hopjb dont let this die
Lanko DeFranko 23 Aug, 2015 @ 4:44pm 
cuz its not on the master server list and its out of date, it needs to be updated to go on
Jackler 21 Aug, 2015 @ 9:47pm 
Each time I've gone onto the jailbreak server, no one seems to be on it :(
111112oo 17 Aug, 2015 @ 7:13am 
ok, the server is currently not on the master list, so people can't search for the server on the browser, until this server gets on it, development of the server is halted (might change though)
Lanko DeFranko 16 Aug, 2015 @ 11:50pm 
i think so
its going to very full tho
krayzeek 15 Aug, 2015 @ 1:58am 
stfu nerd
Rova 14 Aug, 2015 @ 9:40pm 
Server for EU pls
111112oo 9 Aug, 2015 @ 10:26pm 
It's here! Invite people you know to play to help get this server off the ground.
111112oo 2 Aug, 2015 @ 1:34am 
best website
111112oo 1 Aug, 2015 @ 9:35am 
oh ♥♥♥♥ new logo
Redd Reptile 6 Jan, 2014 @ 5:51am 
Redd Reptile 6 Jan, 2014 @ 5:50am place these in Steamapps/common/starbound/assets/songs