STEAM グループ
DrShmoogle's Render Service! DocRender
STEAM グループ
DrShmoogle's Render Service! DocRender
DrShmoogle's Render Service! について

DrShmoogle's Custom Render Service, using Source Filmmaker.

TL;DR: I can make a render of your loadout in SFM for the low low price of whatever you think I deserve! (generally a couple of refined, more or less depending on what you can afford.)

Did you know that you're 78.5% more likely to sell your unusual if you include a picture of said unusual in the trade?

...Well, that may or may not be true, but a picture certainly can't hurt.

I make professionally-made, hand-crafted, stylish and sexy Unusual (or not) Renders engineered using Source Filmmaker. And one of these renders can be customized to your exact liking for the low low price of... whatever price you think I deserve!
That's right, if you think I did an amazing job, feel free to send a couple of Max's Heads my way! If you're not satisfied, pay me with a ref or two.

For your reference, a nice average price is around a key or so, depending on what you can afford.

Once you request a picture, I'll ask you a few questions over Steam chat about the details of your render, create it within a few days (depending on my schedule) and then send you the picture!
My small portfolio of renders:
Leave a comment with your Steam information and a request, or just go ahead and add me! If you do leave a comment here, tell me if I should use my judgement and create the render as I see fit (doing this will allow me to finish the render very quickly), or if you have any specific ideas in mind we can discuss them before I create the render.
Thanks for reading!

I can also make custom wallpapers, avatars, or sprays. Just ask!


DrShmoogle's Portfolio[]
Hey everyone! My friend and I created a new YouTube channel. We'd love some feedback! C:
Good News!
7 件のコメント
:) 2012年10月30日 18時23分 
I want a unusual rendering, added to talk more about it.
Cam 2012年10月18日 16時53分 
It might be a tad easier to add me directly, but if you can't (or if we're in different time-zones or something) then by all means post here!
Eedy_ 2012年10月18日 14時02分 
Hey Dr.Shmoogle, is there any chance you're taking requests here?
Cam 2012年10月13日 17時34分 
Very nice! Some suggestions: try increasing the ToneMapScale of the camera in order to make the effect stand out more. Alternatively, you could move the spy to a darker area. Also, regarding the light on your spy, try messing around with Horizontal and Vertical FOV to focus light on just the spy, as opposed to the ground around him.

Other than that, great job!
You're on your way to having your own render service, haha.

kodran 2012年10月13日 12時38分 
Messed around in SFM taking all your suggestions into consideration and came out with this:
Cam 2012年10月12日 18時22分 
0 チャット中