30 de junio de 2010
66 comentarios
Pantsu 27 AGO 2010 a las 10:05 
I'm from AethyrNet and I was going to ask today which server this group was going to play on for Open Beta so we could try and meet up seeing as we are both from /v/. If Rage XIV is throwing in the towel though, feel free to join the AethyrNet group if you're not already in it. The Steam chat is usually active with about 10-15 people so join in and say Hi~

Disappointed though this group is giving up. :<
Ostrakon 27 AGO 2010 a las 6:32 
Wait, so it only takes a few hours worth of fofftime to reset? I heard it was like an 8hr/week limit on XP.

That actually sounds pretty reasonable.
Ostrakon 26 AGO 2010 a las 8:07 
So is the whole fatigue thing true or not? being limited in how much I can play a game I pay a monthly fee for is kind of a dealbreaker.
maho 22 AGO 2010 a las 14:30 
Man, this game feels a lot nicer to control with a PS3 controller
maho 21 AGO 2010 a las 22:38 
Could whip up an Invisionfree or Forumer board or something~
Pantsu 21 AGO 2010 a las 20:53 
We need a forum or something. :<
maho 21 AGO 2010 a las 17:15 
I got a code from BG forums :3
Alyx 12 AGO 2010 a las 20:55 
fileplanet is giving away beta keys to subscribers, its only costs 6 bucks, not bad, also you can download the client even if you don't have a key.
Pantsu 12 AGO 2010 a las 18:39 
Sup guise. Anyone else in Phase 3?
maho 29 JUL 2010 a las 23:51 
hey bro
dietdrinky 29 JUL 2010 a las 18:48 
sup guise.
WF_Yowane 28 JUL 2010 a las 12:24 
I'm inept with the sliders in Demon's Souls. Every time I try to make a female she ends up looking manly than I do.
maho 27 JUL 2010 a las 23:28 
I play a pretty girl in Demon's Souls
Ostrakon 26 JUL 2010 a las 6:10 
Highland Hyur is Demon's Souls tier.
BattleshipBoyd 25 JUL 2010 a las 19:53 
Highland Hyur!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maho 23 JUL 2010 a las 17:06 
I feel like I change my mind about race choice every week
WF_Yowane 22 JUL 2010 a las 21:49 
I'm pumped folks, can't wait to see you bros in game. Though I still haven't decided what race I plan on playing yet...
BattleshipBoyd 21 JUL 2010 a las 17:50 
lol, if your gonna play FF11 for a bit you really need to use a controller, makes it a lot more enjoyable
Ostrakon 21 JUL 2010 a las 16:30 
Thanks, I looked into that and it looks much better. And I didn't realize the controls were going off the numpad, which is why it was so frustrating. Gonna give it another try, but this game is really showing its age. Not even the graphics: the game design feels archaic.
maho 21 JUL 2010 a las 15:03 
(At least as far as seven-year-old games go)
maho 21 JUL 2010 a las 14:55 
With registry edits or Windower you can make the game look pretty sexy
Ostrakon 21 JUL 2010 a las 9:22 
lol, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that game is ugly. And confusing as ♥♥♥♥. I don't have the patience to figure all this ♥♥♥♥ out for a game I'm gonna play for like a month.

Oh well, only 5 bucks wasted.
maho 21 JUL 2010 a las 0:45 
You probably won't like it just starting out tbqh
Ostrakon 20 JUL 2010 a las 15:48 
Hey, FF11 is only 5 bucks on steam now so I guess I'm just gonna try that ♥♥♥♥ out.
Ostrakon 17 JUL 2010 a las 14:09 
Even better. Or maybe stats will just have a more or less minimal impact? Seems like the whole "play any class" thing is ruined if I need to spend stats effectively to wear gear or whatever.
maho 16 JUL 2010 a las 18:29 
I'd like if you could just set different presets for each class that would change automatically
Ostrakon 15 JUL 2010 a las 22:10 
Hopefully they'll make some kind of guildleve where the reward is a full reset.
maho 15 JUL 2010 a las 14:13 
I think that's what I heard, except it only gave you back like 6 stat points or something. I think you might be able to find some beta gameplay at but I haven't really looked.
Curly Bracket 15 JUL 2010 a las 13:37 
I thought there was a 2-hour ability that reseted your points so that you can redistrubte them again. I'm guessing that was false information.
GamesNosh 15 JUL 2010 a las 13:31 
Anyone got a nice deposit of recorded beta gameplay?
Ostrakon 14 JUL 2010 a las 0:21 
Someone on /v/ said you could reallocate, but it seemed like there were some limitations to it. Like it only refunded so many levels or something.
maho 13 JUL 2010 a las 21:44 
That's neat, seems like it might be a pain to switch around skills and stats when you change jobs though
Ostrakon 13 JUL 2010 a las 19:15 
From /v/, this actually helped me understand it much better since I never played FF11:

"FF14 Level system for dummies.
You start out a little weak baby noob like in all games and in life. As you play you get Physical levels and stronger. You have points you can spend each level on str,int,vit whatever. You will always be gaining physical levels no matter what you play as and they never go away and the stats don't change unless you change them by doing something in game they haven't gone into yet.
Ostrakon 13 JUL 2010 a las 19:14 
Whatever you have equipped, that's what you are. If you equip something else, you become that. You can change your equipment any time you are not in combat. As you level up the different weapon classes you learn skills. No trainer no money to spend, you just learn it and can then equip it. You have 3 action bars with 10 slots each for a total of 30 possible skills ready to use at any given time. You can equip skills any time you are not in combat. Each skill costs some about of points, you have about 52 points to spend so you can get a lot of small ones or fewer big ones. You can equip basically any learned skill from any of the weapon classes you have leveled as long as your current class level is at least the level you learned the skill at in the class you learned it in.

If I wanted to be and archer with Chakra I would need to level Pugilist to level 6 to learn the skill, then level my archer to level 6 to use it."
Alyx 13 JUL 2010 a las 17:37 
The stats change depending class you pick, not your race
maho 12 JUL 2010 a las 15:50 
Everyone's been saying either that race differences are nonexistent or that they are minimal.
Ostrakon 12 JUL 2010 a las 14:18 
group chat would definitely be cool. I, for one, am letting myself way too hyped for this game. The disappointment will be deliciously excruciating.

After looking at all the ♥♥♥♥ about classes, I definitely think I'm going to use some sort of Lancer with Pugilist abilities or vice versa, at least to start.

Anyone in the beta know if races matter much aside from asthetics?
Avian Dude 11 JUL 2010 a las 17:13 
Hey bros, just saw someone talking about this group on /v/. I didn't play FF11 but I'll try to fit in and play well in this one.
maho 11 JUL 2010 a las 0:26 
We oughta have one of them group chats one of these days
maho 9 JUL 2010 a las 16:44 
No, though it shares some members, and some members of the LS that preceded that one.
Totila 9 JUL 2010 a las 15:38 
This the same as the FFXI Vidya Rage steam grou?
BattleshipBoyd 5 JUL 2010 a las 23:50 
ok i like this logo alot more lol
maho 5 JUL 2010 a las 22:14 
Anyway I can't say I ever really paid attention to what happened to CoH, it was always great fun to me
maho 5 JUL 2010 a las 21:44 
New logo! Thanks Steam for taking my delicious PNG and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it out covered in compression artifacts.
Stone Robongo 5 JUL 2010 a las 21:43 
I'm dancing with myself
Ostrakon 5 JUL 2010 a las 20:10 
CoH I8 through like I11 was god tier until the devs caught Emmert's god complex. After that it kind of went to ♥♥♥♥, although it might have improved in the past couple of years.
BattleshipBoyd 5 JUL 2010 a las 20:03 
yeah COH was pretty fun. i was gonna start FF11 back up, but when they announced 14 was coming out in September I just said forget it, it wouldnt really be worth it to start back up now. So unless 14 is really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ somehow, id hold off on 11.
maho 5 JUL 2010 a las 18:53 
CoH was god tier, one of the most fun MMOs along with PlanetSide and (on a good day) FFXI.
Ostrakon 5 JUL 2010 a las 16:43 
Yeah, I'm familiar with the concept of aggro. I played CoH for a few years before NC turned it to ♥♥♥♥. The only reason why I played that over FF11 is because I had a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ computer at the time.

Either way, looking forward to it. Just preordered the CE, and hoping I get into the beta
maho 5 JUL 2010 a las 15:38 
The latter, certain abilities and traits of subjobs just benefit the main job for certain applications, like Warrior gives Paladin an ability to generate enmity with a monster (increasing the monster's tendency to attack the player instead of others), while Ninja gives Paladin a spell that allows it to completely nullify damage from a number of hits, which is more useful against some endgame enemies.

I wouldn't recommend starting FFXI up fresh, you're not likely to accomplish much before XIV comes out, especially since they just raised the level cap to 80 and will raise it as high as 99 in the coming months.