r/SF4 r/SF4
r/SF4 r/SF4
5 July, 2011
SlushieCat 18 Jan, 2016 @ 12:49am 
soulsynapse (socal) 5 Nov, 2014 @ 3:15pm 
Reminder, this is not the official group. Made by some guy that doesn't even log in anymore. For announcements and matchamaking, join here:
Big Papi Bendito 1 Aug, 2014 @ 6:54pm 
Skone's a coward who kicks people the moment he gets a win. Scrub rog.
Her Royal Nemesis 13 Oct, 2013 @ 9:15pm 
Looking for people to run casuals with.
GFWL: Filet MigYun
I'm, eh, decent, but a little out of practice.
Freak 11 Oct, 2013 @ 10:05pm 
Sup dudes. Anyone in Asia looking for someone to run sets with?
Here's my GFWL: TwoDeluxe
I consider myself to be Intermediate-Advanced
♔johnnydal 21 Jul, 2013 @ 1:56pm 
Hey all. Brand new to this game. Anybody looking to play hit me up. GFWL is johnnydal83
Dots 5 Jul, 2013 @ 9:11pm 
Hey everyone. I am somewhat new, I know a few tricks. But in general am not that great. Hit me up if you are interested in playing with me.
GFWL: StokedRhombus
Ps. Im Canadian so NA+EU preffered. Im on a lot and will probably accept your invites quick so just feel free to add me.
Fallarbor 3 Jul, 2013 @ 12:15pm 
Any Euro players here?
Jezune 1 Jul, 2013 @ 8:30pm 
Super bad.
Trying to learn the game but it ain't going too well.
GFWL is Wynnde if anybdy cares to help. Trying to learn Makoto/Sakura.
Subligaria 1 Jul, 2013 @ 2:08pm 
My GFWL is WizenPeach371...I am terrible at this game but willing to learn
Milk 1 Jul, 2013 @ 12:53pm 
Add me on steam, and invite me whenever you feel like sparring! :)
I lie in between being novice and intermediate, you make the decision :P
GFWL name: Holxt
stm Owner 26 May, 2013 @ 3:43pm
The Steam Happy Day!
Exclusive offer !!
Now,you can get one game from the list below for free.
Just choose your game and write your Steam e-mail!
The Confirmation will be sent to you in a few minutes .
You must have at least one game in your Steam account .
ZamasuNeverLost 22 May, 2013 @ 3:19pm 
Hello everyone, New to the group, i welcome you all to follow me as i post some screen shots of daily fights, Please add me if you would like to fight my evil ryu, Screen shots will be taken and posted
SoulStealer 17 Mar, 2013 @ 9:38am 
Hi everyone, i bought the game 5 days ago, im super freak, is here people from Europe? i also entered and saw the mIRC thing, but i dunno how to configure if anyone helps me ill be really greatfull, thnk everyone!!
Toongsaram 11 Feb, 2013 @ 9:18pm 
StealthySocks 24 Dec, 2012 @ 11:48pm 
anyone wanna play some endless? gfwl id: stealthysocks
OKAY USA 23 Dec, 2012 @ 7:03pm 
from socal in US. up to play anyone with a good connection. hit me up!
K-torz 14 Nov, 2012 @ 3:05am 
QQhelvetica Hi
i play to street fighter since 1 - 2 years
If you want i can teach you small things
If you d'on't have find a mentor ^^
Assyon is my gammertag on windows live
Add me on your friends
C u
Anna 8 Nov, 2012 @ 5:03am 
Hi! :) I'm new to the game (and bad, too - my PP is hovering around 500) and I'm looking for someone who could be a mentor, teacher, or just a training partner. I know it doesn't sound enticing, but would anyone be kind enough to help a scrub?

Thank you very much! :)
Zyphere 28 Jul, 2012 @ 9:07pm 
Relatively new to the game and looking to improve =]
Vaunt 28 Jul, 2012 @ 4:01pm 
new to the game, add me to play sometime :D GFWL: Inferno1117
KintoUn 16 Jul, 2012 @ 6:21pm 
vv What he said. My PP is too high -_-.
walkThePlanck 16 Jul, 2012 @ 5:30pm 
You know I'd love to join your events, but I never see 2000+ events.
¬Þhilanthropy 16 Jul, 2012 @ 2:02pm 
when i left PC AE i was the best seth online. now i'm coming back beginning august to re-establish my dominance so i hope you all are trained up by then to step to me.
Jubka 16 Jul, 2012 @ 6:55am 
Im completely new to SF4 and want to play with other new players! Add me on steam and/or GFWL: Joseph Jubka
roy 15 Jul, 2012 @ 4:09pm 
GFWL: RGAZgaming, I'm new to this game, interested in playing with anyone :)
MongfaceDingoCat<3 15 Jul, 2012 @ 7:27am 
DeltaK9 GFWL Live... new to fighting games D:
Wassow 14 Jul, 2012 @ 12:36am 
Nevarro on GFWL, bad but looking to improve!
Lando 13 Jul, 2012 @ 10:05pm 
SF Lando is my ID, still training.
chester 13 Jul, 2012 @ 5:33pm 
Feel free to add me, extremely new to the game. Pretty bad but I want to get better. Looking for new partners.
[???] Jash 13 Jul, 2012 @ 3:44pm 
I just got the game and Im installing it now. Im not the greatest at the game. Won a couple matches on my ps3 version. So i was wondering if there was anyone who else was newer too that we could play together.
boximusprimal 26 Apr, 2012 @ 6:25pm 
I'd just like some endless match buds and practice my Cody more. GFWL: clawmaster2
Laz 15 Apr, 2012 @ 2:53pm 
Attempting to main El Fuerte, need some serious work. Would love to play anyone really, west coast Canada.
K A G E R 21 Mar, 2012 @ 8:50am 
Ragerkager is my id. I'm a newb seeking to learn SSF4AE well . Will train with anyone!
(◣╬◢) twiddledik 9 Mar, 2012 @ 8:13pm 
Newb Dudley getting into the game. Located in Canada. GFWL: FustyZanzibar
when 25 Feb, 2012 @ 11:16pm 
E Ryu main, PP hovering between 500~1000, looking to tighten up my incredibly sloppy playing. GFWL: nirviathan
Dis 18 Feb, 2012 @ 1:50pm 
Oldschool mavc2 player recently getting into ssf4. playing T. Hawk, up for matches w/ anyone! GFWL: Doctor Dis
Skyburns 6 Feb, 2012 @ 5:41pm 
600-1k PP player looking for people around the same level to play with. Add my on GFWL: skyfrost35 or on steam.
tiqqun 18 Jan, 2012 @ 10:36am 
Looking for a 1k-2k Akuma to train with (main: Ryu/Akuma). UK based. GFWL: Azakai2
ScRain 8 Jan, 2012 @ 4:39pm 
I am new to this game and was wondering if anyone wnated to play, GFWL is Scrain0
snooken 1 Jan, 2012 @ 3:30pm 
Looking for 3k + players located in Europe. I main Abel. GFWL: snookan
oMgNerdBaller 6 Dec, 2011 @ 9:04am 
I'd be willing to play with you. I am pretty new myself. Add me on GFWL: volfrecords
polyglitch 3 Dec, 2011 @ 10:14pm 
anyone on that wants to train a newbie? or get a group going or something
Remitius 24 Nov, 2011 @ 11:56am 
Will be receiving the game in mail in a few days, previously played it on xbox for about a year, from southern USA, FR me yo.
MANIAC 24 Nov, 2011 @ 12:03am 
Any aussies? Add me!
in my mind 23 Nov, 2011 @ 4:22pm 
Hey everyone! Reddit send me here.... Sim in training
Mina 17 Oct, 2011 @ 4:57am 
Low C Dudley LF sparring partner, preferably around the same level so we can improve together. Bonus points if you main Adon, he's one of my worst matchups.
BOBANDY 18 Sep, 2011 @ 10:09pm 
Serious noob player looking for a sparring partner. Send me a message if interested.
Jorgeolion 5 Sep, 2011 @ 1:31pm 
relative noob, looking for people to practiice, hit me up if your interested >UK
Kayneh 5 Sep, 2011 @ 1:09pm 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, name is brynz0rdz, looking for anyone really.