Petition for a Better TF2 pfabtf2
Petition for a Better TF2 pfabtf2
2014 年 7 月 13 日
关于 Petition for a Better TF2

They'll listen if we speak together

For years now, the Team Fortress 2 community has faithfully supported a game that has given us so much fun and entertainment. The game has gone through a number of changes that have greatly expanded both the gameplay and the overall player base. In recent times, however, Valve seems to have taken an almost dismissive stance towards many of the complaints in the game. For every game mechanic they fix, they introduce two more that make the game more frustrating. Valve's inaction on the matter of many unbalanced game elements has left many members of the community dissatisfied with the game.

Like any good business, Valve is motivated by money. As long as unbalanced gameplay and hats make them money, they'll keep changing the direction of the game to suit that end. If we want to change the game for the better, in order to create a more satisfying and long-lasting community, we must let Vavle know of our dissatisfacion in an organized manner. It is for this reason that this group exists.

Here, you can organize your thoughts with the community in a dedicated group. Here, we can begin to formulate the direction we want the game to take. And here, we can begin to let Valve know what we want to see in the game.

And if they don't listen? We have the perfect tool for organizing a boycott of game-related sales. If Valve continues to ignore our frustratios, I propose a mass cessation of TF2 purchases, whether from the Mann Co. Store, Mann. Co. Online, or even the Steam Market. If we can convince Valve that their actions will lead to a lessening of profit, they'll be faced with a choice: either listen to our frustrations or continue to brush them aside. Either outcome will give us a better answer than what we have now. Valve isn't properly attending to the wants and needs of the TF2 community, and it's time for us to let them know.

Invite your friends. Invite your family. Invite your dog. Anyone who feels as though they aren't being heard, let them know. The more people we get the stronger our voices become.
There are some steam groups that actually work
11 条留言
† Gloomy † 2014 年 9 月 16 日 上午 8:20 
who wanna play Highlander? play with me guys^_^
Landy Mandy 2014 年 7 月 19 日 下午 6:06 
Lamiiku 2014 年 7 月 18 日 下午 4:59 
omfg you actually did it mantis

Also if anyone wishes to contribute a profile pic for the group, feel free to do so. Post a link and if it's good we'll toss it up there.
Jesse 2014 年 7 月 14 日 上午 9:03 
You are like whiney kids that moans at every problem and just doesn't want to understand the bigger picture. All I had to say, take it whatever way you want. I am out.
Lying In Your Arms 2014 年 7 月 13 日 下午 11:43 
Petition for a better group picture
Landy Mandy 2014 年 7 月 13 日 下午 11:05 
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2014 年 7 月 13 日