Militaires Sans Frontieres - С [МŠF-C]
Militaires Sans Frontieres - С [МŠF-C]
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2015년 7월 17일
Militaires Sans Frontieres - С 정보

«Militaires Sans Frontieres - C» based 17.05.2014.

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At the beginning of 1970, Big Boss, retired FOX special forces operative, and Kazuhira Miller, miliarist of his beliefs, has founded private military organization MSF (Militaires Sans Frontieres), which afforded a bid range of services: infantry, logistics, training of military personnel, etc.
At 4th November, 1974, MSF deployed their base on abandoned petroleum platform nearby the coast of Costa Rica (South America). Later Big Boss and Miller gets a task from Ramon Galvez Men (Vladimir Zadornov, CSS agent) to eliminate unknown forces which entered the territory of Costa Rica. Subsequently, MSF will be involved into the conflict between CIA and CSS in the vast of Latin America. CIA intented arrange the test of new nuclear missle complex system, so MSF got ZEKE nuclear weapon launch device and increased attention to themselves.
In 1975, while preparing to welcome UN inspection, MSF were attacked by Sypher special forces. Base nearby the coast of Costa Rica was destroyed, and MSF discountinued their existence. Oficially, UN deniyng any message about inspecting procedure in territory of Costa Rica.
In 2014, in cause of tense political situation and treatment of using nuclear weapon, MSF former officers decided to reform organization. The most of survived in "incident" of 1975 returning back and training recruits. Slogan "Army without nations" becomes as ever actual. Were created 2 mobile army - MSF-A and MSF-B - for operations in the hot spots.
Afterwards, the MSF management was attracted to sudden outbreak of unknown infection in the territory of independent Chernarus republic. Later was found out the fact that incident of biological weapon was a cloak for providing the confidentiality for the test of new models of launch facility APL-T2E1 (Armored Personal Launcher – Test# 2, Experimental Variation# 2) by the ADA (Advanced Defense Army). Then was formed new mobile army MSF-C for operations in the territory of Chernarus.

MSF-C | ArmA 3[]
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[GrZu]Nico the Phenom 2016년 8월 20일 오전 11시 46분 
congratulation for the screenshot DayZ by Jack Smith-------Nico ITALY
Checkonya 2015년 10월 3일 오후 8시 01분 
Broda 2015년 7월 20일 오후 2시 20분 
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2015년 7월 17일
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