กลุ่ม STEAM
กลุ่ม STEAM
8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2016
South Africa 
เกี่ยวกับ MDK PVP


Welcome to MDK PVP Server Steam Group

An Ark Survival Evolved server for PVP enthusiasts
ARK Server Mods
[MDK] - 19/02/2016 Fresh Wipe - PvP(x1.5XP, x5H, x5T) - Mods:[ORP]

ARK MDK PVP Server Rules
1. Building Rules
1.1 Building in surface caves where Artifacts can be found is not allowed. Please report to an Admin if you see this.
1.2 If you build in any underwater caves raiding protection rules will not count for your structure.
1.3 Building over major Metal, Crystal or Obsidian spawning points are not allowed.
1.4 Volcano rules: No auto-turrets allowed. Do not block spawn points and no large (more than 4 foundations) structures. If you want to put a smithy or something up by all means.

2. Passive Dinos
2.1 Killing of the following Dinos that are set to passive when raiding is not allowed, this counts for the following Dinos that serves as farming Dinos.2.2 Using any of the above mentioned Dino's to attack in a raid or to block an entrance to structures at your base will remove the protection rules.
2.3 Using methods and abusing this rules to gain an unfair advantage or protection from being raided is not allowed. The raid protection rules will not count.
2.4 Sniping Dino's in a persons base is not allowed.

3. Taming Rules
3.1 Interference with a player taming a dino is not allowed.
This includes:
  • Inflicting damage to lower effectiveness
  • Stealing/adding food or any items to lower effectiveness.
3.2 You must be next to the unconscious dino at all times , if left alone (or out of sight), the taming rules no longer applies.
3.3 If you are at war with a tribe and you are found taming, as long as someone from your tribe is standing next to the unconscious dino and is not participating in the battle, this rule still applies and opposing tribe/players must leave them alone.
If the player that is taming fires the first shot to another player, the taming rules no longer applies.
3.5 Try to remove spike walls and foundations placed after securing your tame, remember that this blocks spawns near the area and prolong the life of the map before a total map reset is required.

4. PvP Rules
4.1 This is a PvP server and PvP is always allowed.
4.2 If you attack another player while you are mounted on a passive Dino, the passive dinos protection rules no longer applies.
4.3 If you attack another player while he/she is mounted on a passive Dino, the passive dinos protection rules will still apply (unless he/she retaliates, in which case refer to rule 4.2).
4.4 Any place that you get attacked outside of your base is not considered raiding and does not fall under raiding time protections.

5. Raiding Rules
5.1 Raiding is only allowed between the following times: Monday to Thursday between 15:00 & 00:00 (GMT+2)
Friday from 15:00 until Sunday 00:00 (GMT+2).
5.2 Raiding is considered as any attack or damage dealt to a players base or walled in structures.
5.3 Damaging a Players Dinos at his base or walled in structure or barricaded structures to get aggro to see if its on passive is considered raiding.
5.4 If you kill a passive Dino that was under the protection rules while raiding a base you will be required to replace the Dino with one of equal level as a show of good faith, or negotiate with the owner of that Dino.

6. Admin Rules
6.1. Admin bases are not immune to raids or PvP, raiding admins bases are allowed and all the above mentioned rules still applies
6.2 Admins migth switch on GodMode while helping a fellow survivor get out of a sticky situation
6.3. If another player violates the rules, which in turn costs you resoruces and/or dinos, the admins will not replace this. They will however intervene as required
6.4. Admins will not raid or participate in PvP, unless mutally agreed or an Event has been organized stating they will participate.
6.5 Admins aren't there to make your life easier, they are there to:
  • Make sure they provide best effort to resolve issues in their control
  • Avoid cheating
  • Assist player where they deem fit (e.g. help new players with starter pack when the server is full op lvl80+ players, however other players are welcome to help new spawns)
  • Rectify glitches where they are able to assist, and deem it to be fair; such as stuck in a rock.


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8 กุมภาพันธ์ 2016
South Africa 