Many Will Die |MwD|
Many Will Die |MwD|
Fondé le
2 juin 2012
28 commentaires
|MwD| Razor 18 févr. 2015 à 20h43 
our latest comment is from a year ago and 1 day good job guys bloody good jobs. or can we fix that you find out on the next episode of dragon ball z
OPS313 |MWD| 17 nov. 2014 à 3h06 
What's up everyone
Kid ink |MWD| 23 juil. 2014 à 13h14 
Dont make me come back on and ♥♥♥♥ wit u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
GoRobotGo 18 juil. 2014 à 19h28 
|MWD| Baxterman 18 juil. 2014 à 11h25 
should we recruit more people into our clan?
Le.D3rp|MWD| 9 mai 2014 à 13h12 
What do you mean I don't talk you guys no more? When are you guys on?
se7en |MWD| 6 mai 2014 à 15h36 
MWD lives on! lol u never talk to us anymore!
Le.D3rp|MWD| 6 mai 2014 à 1h49 
Is there MWD still? We don't play together now more ):
se7en |MWD| 7 avr. 2014 à 22h50 
I'm just taking a tiny break from cod. I'll be back soon.
Le.D3rp|MWD| 7 avr. 2014 à 22h49 
Oh hai! I miss you MWD people (:
se7en |MWD| 22 févr. 2014 à 19h11 
ello there
Le.D3rp|MWD| 22 févr. 2014 à 18h53 
Oh hey what's up? Smiley face
se7en |MWD| 14 févr. 2014 à 3h25 
Everyone needs to read the clans code of conduct.
se7en |MWD| 1 nov. 2013 à 11h28 
Hell yea brotha
static-z 1 nov. 2013 à 10h25 
Ghosts 4 Dayz n counting
j0rd0 18 oct. 2013 à 19h30 
peace my ♥♥♥♥♥♥
goldendayz 1 sept. 2013 à 15h50 
|MwD| Razor 22 aout 2013 à 13h14 
|MwD| Razor 13 aout 2013 à 18h41 
none of my recruits invited him
|MwD| Razor 13 aout 2013 à 18h41 
i removed what he said, and idk how he got in here
se7en |MWD| 13 aout 2013 à 18h40 
You trying to recruit to your clan cookie?
|MwD| Razor 13 aout 2013 à 15h56 
Alright guys Read up on My info about C3 Chat :Horzine:
se7en |MWD| 5 oct. 2012 à 15h58 
se7en |MWD| 9 aout 2012 à 13h15 
i dont even remember lol
se7en |MWD| 3 juin 2012 à 15h42 
lol yes u are! jk
se7en |MWD| 2 juin 2012 à 23h29 
I hate traitors!
GoRobotGo 2 juin 2012 à 20h12 
yeah Stan started it
H1N1☢ 2 juin 2012 à 19h55 
when did the group start? i guess yesturday?