กลุ่ม STEAM
LPer guild LpG
กลุ่ม STEAM
LPer guild LpG
15 มิถุนายน 2010
เกี่ยวกับ LPer guild

Welcome LPers and LP fans!

Hello, LPers and LP fans! Welcome to the LPer Guild! We are a group of Lpers (and fans).
The purpose of this group is simple, help members promote their LPs, and help others find quality LPs to watch.
If you are a fan or a LPer this is the group for you.
The founder (and leaders) of this group are wanabenerd, ctfievel and chocobotamer. Wanabenerd is the current leader. The leader will change between the three periodically every week, to ensure that leading the group will be fare and just.
Of course, as is with any community, we have a set of rules. Break any of these rules three times and you will be banned.

You may promote any LP project three times a month!
You may only promote LPs no tutorials, montages or comedy.
No spamming.
Do not bash any videos! You may give constructive criticism. Things like “You suck” are not aloud.

You might have heard of the "LP community" group. This group is different since we limit video promotions.

Where we are:
1 .YouTube (our HQ) (YouTube group titled “LPer guild”)

2. Steam (group titled “LPer guild”)
9 ความเห็น
Combeferre 20 ก.พ. 2013 @ 9: 16am 
Any lpr that does videos in english, has a good mic and lives in europe just for the sake oif it being a hell of a lot convenient timezonewise (is that a word) want to do a joint lp or a video with me? I think my videos are pretty good and I've recently started a quota of 1 vid per day, and I think that if more pepople knew about my channel I'd get a lot more views. Anyone up for it? (my youtube channel name is Nuke WithG)
Combeferre 30 พ.ย. 2012 @ 5: 39am 
I've started a channel on youtube, I do commentaries and LPs, and will start seriously uploading next week or the week after that. My channel is Nuke WithG.
The Misery 28 ก.ย. 2012 @ 8: 59am 
Can i show a friend ur youtube channel??
The Misery 28 ก.ย. 2012 @ 8: 55am 
Can u do a Lp of Saints row the third?
I loved the whored mode it was cool
puggy 8 พ.ค. 2012 @ 7: 40pm 
Wow, you guys have gone a long way in your channel! Nice job!
Mishy-V 5 ก.พ. 2012 @ 6: 03am 
I am, vaguely
0 ในแช็ต
15 มิถุนายน 2010