กลุ่ม STEAM
LostHome lost home
กลุ่ม STEAM
LostHome lost home
1 มกราคม 2017
เกี่ยวกับ LostHome

LostHome: the Home you were looking for.

Welcome to LostHome servers steam group. We dont have a long speech, nor a fancy story to tell you. It's pretty simple, we decided to run our servers to avoid dealing with inactive, unresponsive, or abusive admins, and because we wanted to have x5 rates, with specific set of mods, and ofcourse, we wanted to play with friendly people on the server.
So that is our goals, establish friendly, yet pvp oriented community, and have fun time while playing! I hope too see you all ingame,

Best regards, JDog.

[CLUSTER] LostHome +SE 2.5x All 5x tame [ORP] Island[ark-servers.net]
Direct Connection: steam://connect/
[CLUSTER] LostHome +SE 2.5x All 5x tame[ORP] Center[ark-servers.net]
Direct Connection: steam://connect/
[New to cluster LostHome +SE 2.5x All 5x tame [ORP] SE[ark-servers.net]
Direct Connection: steam://connect/

Server settings
Server start: 2.01.17
Player level: 100 (All engrams)
Dino level: 150 wild.
Player weight gain: 30 per level.
Player fortitude gain: 6 per level.
Dino weight gain: x1.5 per level.
Rates: All x5, Taming x10. (All x2.5, Taming x5 by new standart)
Difficulty Offset: 5
Maps: TheIsland, TheCenter.
Admin logging: Enabled.
Giganotosaurus spawn disabled.

Server Rules:

- Global chat is English only.
- Cage/Handcuffs on players allowed only during raids.
- No exessive base damage/dino killing. Get in, loot everything, get out.
- No griefing. Dont kill fresh spawns for sport, wipe their thatch huts, etc.
- No exploiting/cheating.


Server Mod Collection

Community Forge
We've set up Community Forge areas on both TheIsland and TheCenter maps. Setup is pretty simple, and includes Industrial Forge, Fabricator, Smithy, S+ Crafting Station, Chemistry Bench, Scorched Shrine.
TheIsland CF is on the Volcano.
TheCenter CF is on the Skull Island.
Pin-Codes for the structures are 5555

Server host
JasonSmith, ingame JDog

Theodore, ingame Theodore

Feel free to contact any of us if you have some issues, or questions.
IP Change
Reply from the Devs in response to the nerf
0 ในแช็ต
1 มกราคม 2017