Linux Giveaways LinuxGA
Linux Giveaways LinuxGA
21 de septiembre de 2017
ACERCA DE Linux Giveaways

Linux games for Linux gamers

Purpose of this group:

1. Promoting Linux gaming and Linux games

2. Allowing Linux users to share their favourite games and/or spare keys with fellow Linux gamers

3. Connecting Linux game devs with the community

How to join:

1. Make sure you have a SteamGifts account as that service hosts our giveaways (they are a reputable service in this regard; we’ve used them for years).

2. Hit the Join Group button!

3. Your Steam profile must be public while you are waiting to be approved to join – we use publicly accessible Linux platform play time to determine if potential members are Linux players, and private profiles hide this information. You are of course, free to resume you preferred privacy settings after being accepted into the group.

4. Your profile must be clean, i.e. no record of VAC bans or dishonesty (-rep etc.).

5. If you want to join the group just to contribute (e.g. you're a dev looking for Linux testers or just want to gain some publicity), please contact a mod directly through steam chat with a short message about what you’d like to do in the group.

6. Requests to join will be unsuccessful where the applicant hasn't followed the rules above, or where their observed Linux playtime is not deemed sufficient.

Once you're in:

1. Remember to sync your Steam groups with SteamGifts here[] and take a look at our group's giveaways here[].

2. Feel free to join and create as many giveaways as you want. Giveaways don't have to be exclusive to the Linux Giveaways SteamGifts group, but they shouldn't require any extra actions (liking, following, subscribing etc).

3. While not required, it would be nice if you actually played the games you win. On Linux. ;-)

4. Go ahead and write something in the forums. Remember to be nice to others.

5. Good luck and have fun!

This is work-in-progress and things are subject to change, all suggestions and constructive critique are welcome.
State of the Group, and upcoming change to new member approval process
Check out Steamgifts for Pathfinder: Kingmaker EE giveaway
21 comentarios
Stonium 1 MAR 2022 a las 5:07 p. m. 
I'm giving away 5 copies (100 dollars) of The Falconeer. It's a solid game that I helped get ported to Linux. Steam disallows links now but check steamgifts for the group it's there.
Stonium 5 ABR 2021 a las 12:17 p. m. 
Hey y'all. I'm giving away 4 copies (60 dollars) of Lucah: Born of a Dream. It's an actual hidden gem. If you like hack and slashes and surrealism check it out. {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
AwesamLinux 15 AGO 2020 a las 1:53 p. m. 
This group is a great idea, I recently joined and intend to keep on gifting a few steam keys per month :signix:
Stonium 2 JUL 2020 a las 12:26 p. m. 
Hey y'all. I'm giving away a bunch of Sparklite keys to help boost the Linux userbase of the game. Check it out here {ENLACE ELIMINADO}
bradgy 5 JUN 2020 a las 10:44 a. m. 
Overload added to SteamGifts. Lots of fun and a great soundtrack. Gooooooood luck!
buginside 2 JUN 2020 a las 4:31 a. m. 
Thanks for adding me! :steamhappy:
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21 de septiembre de 2017