Gotham is Rusting GothamRust
Gotham is Rusting GothamRust
12 March, 2014
United States 
♥PissFingers♥ 29 Mar, 2022 @ 6:11pm 
ayo this one guys been group player of the week since like 2014. This ♥♥♥♥♥ rigged
guy 30 Jan, 2018 @ 11:09am 
you guys should start a new rust server...
rroboo7 9 Apr, 2014 @ 3:09pm 
So the server pretty much done???? :(
Kurono 9 Apr, 2014 @ 8:49am 
Found a pretty decent server since gotham went down to play until it comes back up net.connect
Paenica 4 Apr, 2014 @ 7:16pm 
Thank you for everything and every effort Admin's & special thank you to Batman and Shaylynne who made this experience very enjoyable. This really is the best server I've played on Rust. This will always be my favorite. Long live Gotham...long live Batman <3
Sanjo 4 Apr, 2014 @ 7:11pm 
Thanks to all who came out tonight ot see the server off!

If we ever start up this server or another game on Steam, I will send out an announcement. So if you woul dlike to play again with us - you're welcome to stay in the steam group.

Till then my friends.
Zombercules 28 Mar, 2014 @ 1:46pm 
I'm looking forward to tonights event. Hunger Games was a great time last night! I can't wait to see what's up next.
Sanjo 22 Mar, 2014 @ 10:35am 
Things have been going awesome this week!

Our peak population broke 50 last night and we are keeping about 30/35 concurrent players on during normal play times. Most of our residents are friendly but are pvp centered. The server is very stable and we have no plans to wipe in the near future. We will continue to run events in the evenings and monitor the server population and 'life-cycle'

We've given away a ton of game and will be giving more away this weekend. Don't come expecting to win Titanfall or ESO - come expecting to have a great time, pvp a little bit and win some unique prizes.

When the time does come for a wipe, because of (whatever) we will post here. We had a TON of fun at our last 'Apoclypse Now!' event. I think the sky was black with air drops, lol! Whenever the next on is, it should be a lot of fun :)
Sanjo 17 Mar, 2014 @ 11:22am 
Thanks for coming out this weekend folks!

We gave away over 20 games that ranged from a fun humble bundle for android and PC to 'South park: Stick of Truth'

We'll see how things go this week and do some more fun little giveaway next weekend!
Drmoos 15 Mar, 2014 @ 6:45pm 
Sanjo 14 Mar, 2014 @ 10:19am 
You guys we're a total trip at the sserver wipe event! I hope everyone had as much fun as we did.
Shaylynne 13 Mar, 2014 @ 5:02pm 
The Batman told me a little bit about the event tonight, and it sounds fantastically awesome. If you're around, you don't want to miss this :)
Sanjo 13 Mar, 2014 @ 8:29am 
We're going to be doing an event tonight around 9-10pm EST to send the server off right, before the reset at midnight.
Sanjo 13 Mar, 2014 @ 7:06am 
We will be wiping the server tonight at 12:01 am est (that's Friday morning for you time challenged folks) Due to the wipe rumor earlier in the week, the population dropped off and we are now forced to do a wipe.

In the future all wipes will ONLY happen if there is a game patch that forces us to wipe or the server has run its course (few weeks is a normal cycle) and we need to wipe for population resaons.

We will announce ahead of time on this group so that way old and new players can join us on the restarts.

Remember, If you don't read it here, it probably not true.