Ğlobal Σscape Šquad ĞΣŠ |
Ğlobal Σscape Šquad ĞΣŠ |
2013 年 8 月 3 日
關於 Ğlobal Σscape Šquad

Ğlobal Σscape Šquad

What is ĞΣŠ?
We are a clan composed of unique players from all over the world.
We focus around the Counter-Strike mod known as "Zombie Escape", but we also enjoy playing a variety of other games.
We are good friends and think of ourselves as closely resembling a family.
We trust each other blindly and work together as one entity.
We relentlessly unite when we need to beat the most challenging maps, but we also enjoy playing other maps for fun.
We focus on team-play and always rally to lead our team to victory.
We are audacious, chivalrous, and omniscient.
We instinctively strive for perfection knowing we are but a mere grasp away.
We give others a last breath of hope when there should be none to be had.
We are the Ğlobal Σscape Šquad.




Special guests

Welcome to the Steam community page for the Ğlobal Σscape Šquad clan. We are a friendly, multi-cultural group of "Zombie Escape" players with similar interests who have come together in order to exemplify the highest standards of teamwork. If you have any questions about us, complaints about one of our members, or wish to inquire about joining us, then please contact a moderator or officer for more information.

Recruitment is now closed

Ğlobal Σscape Šquad Recruit
Application Forum
End of Recruitment 2019 / 2020
New Members

Please congratulate and welcome the new members to our clan !:

  • Frid
  • Geovanni
  • Holo
  • Koala
  • Roon/Rune
  • Tame

Regardless of your initial impressions/thoughts of them, please try to make them feel welcome as they are one of us now!

Future Recruitment

As of now, we do not intend to have recruitment again in the future. This is of course subject to change, we just need a break right now and we currently do not want to think about this.

However, if ever we decide to have it again, there will be huge changes in the process.
Although us mods+ already have a new one in mind (Still in early stage discussion), please feel free to post suggestions on our discord (#discussions tab).

Thanks for reading ! :squirtyay:
Have a great 2020 everyone !

Meeting Summary
Voting Guidelines Revision

Firstly, we will be changing the voting guidelines according to what was discussed. There shouldn't be anyone against this idea so it will be taking effect immediately.

You can only vote for each recruit with a 'Yes' or 'No', no neutral votes are allowed. This did not change, but do try to elaborate about your answer. Cite examples of some outstanding plays from this recruit if you are voting yes and have seen any.

Mention maybe you have seen said recruit trolling or teamkilling if you are going to vote 'No'. Mention you have played with this recruit about 1, maybe 2 years ago and elaborate about their skill back then if they are no longer active in ze.

These are just a few examples you can use. Try to do this so others who don't know this recruit can get a feel of their performance, and how they are like. This will maybe help to raise interest.

With that said, you must be responsible and answer for your own votes. If you are going to vote 'Yes' or 'No', you must be able to back up your vote. We are not asking for evidence, but just for you to vote using your own opinion and not the opinion of others'.

For example, you should not be pressured to vote yes for a recruit just because 90% of the Officers are voting yes. If the recruit has a ♥♥♥♥ attitude, mention so and vote 'No'.
Likewise, if you see some god tier skill in a recruit, and a somewhat decent attitude, i don't see why you would be voting 'No'.

If a decision has been made for an application to be accepted into Rec, that applicant will be made a recruit for the '1-month evaluation process'. During this 1 month, we cannot back out of our decision and remove this player anytime before the 1 month is up.

We will just be voting accordingly when it is time. So if you are going to be voting yes for someone to join Rec, be completely sure of your choice as anyone with the Rec tag will be representing us for a month!!

As everyone knows, ĞΣŠ is moving further away from the ZE scene. At this point of time, we do not want to accept or deny anyone purely based on their ze skill.

However, ĞΣŠ is still a ZE clan at its core. So with that said, we encourage you do a 50-50 evaluation of each recruit/applicant during the voting process.
50% should be based on their communication, and if they interact with us. Someone can be a decent ZE player but communicate with us in Discord alot, said person would get more points in the communication side.

Communications at this point should be done through Discord as it is our main form of communication. However, we understand some players can't use discord (it is banned in China for example), but we hope these players will make an effort to use steam's group chat or PMs.

The other 50% should be based on the qualities we are looking for in a ZE player. If you forgot what those are, you can refer to ĞΣŠ Rec's profile page. We of course, will not tolerate any hardcore trolling or team-killing whatsoever.

A side note about trolling:
There are many types of trolling present in the ZE player base at the moment. As per our discussion, trolling will be classified into 2 categories "hard trolling" and "soft trolling".

"hard trolling" would define the acts of unnecessary team-killing or attempting to prematurely end a ZE round when CTs still have a chance to win. Just to name a few examples:
Knifing zombies into teammates, intentionally dying with map items, not healing the team when bahamut uses ulti in mako, earthing/graving the team at lasers, not using map items as required, item usage detrimental to the team, troll voice commands, etc

"Hard trolling" will absolutely not be tolerated !

"Soft trolling" mostly defines silly and random item usage that seldom affects the team or does, rarely to their benefit. These 'strats' can be seldom seen and not very common.
Just to name a few examples: yektima, healing yourself with heal and not the team to "trim", random item usage that affects neither teams, etc

"Soft trolling" is generally looked down upon, but we understand when some tactics are necessary. Still, we ask for you to look out for these during the rec period, and bring them up pertaining to a recruit if necessary.

Controversial : Using holy at the Chaos (middle) platform in Westersand has been agreed to be "hard trolling" as there is usually no benefit in casting it there. It effectively blinds pretty much everyone and results in a flash just long enough so players have to guess 1x laser.

Recruit Evaluation

Everyone here is encouraged to spectate the recruits for evaluation. This includes actually playing/spectating on the server they frequent, even though they are generally non-english servers. E.g ZED, NIDE, RSS, Possession, etc.

Likewise, recruits are also encouraged to play on the English servers, or make an effort to play on the servers we frequent. Basically this should work both ways, so it is ultimately fair for both sides.

ĞΣŠ Invasion

We have discussed some ĞΣŠ Invasion/events, whereby as many members as possible join a server and play.

This topic has been brought up many times in the past, but no events so far have taken place. If you would like to bring up a session, you can do so on our discord.

As per our discussion, we have many who are enthusiastic about this one.

Inactive members

So as everyone knows, we do have a few inactive members in the group.

By inactive, i mean offline or away for an extended period of time without any communication whatsoever. If members join discord and chat regularly, or basically just play alot of ze, they are not inactive.
We do know about these members and a couple of them have left a note beforehand.

Consolo offered to personally DM our Chinese members (As Discord is banned in China) and check on them.

He will post their responses as they come on our Discord, so he has been a great help.

Recruitment Process

Recruitment process has been resumed as of immediate effect. For now we need decisions on applicants Russ, holo and Yuuki.

Please join the discord discussions channel and post your votes and what you think of them.

The voting guidelines posted here will be updated later this weekend and will mostly take effect for each recruit's 1 month evaluation period. I just feel like this summary needs to get out asap as it has been long overdue.

Note that you must be logged in to steam to access the link.

That's all!
If you have more questions, feel free to DM the attendees for the meeting, as posted above.

Thanks for reading!
Obligatory squirtyay :squirtyay:

3,734 則留言
Rexy 1 月 24 日 上午 2:53 
You beat me to it
Vietnam Ant Eater 1 月 23 日 下午 10:49 
illima 2024 年 9 月 23 日 上午 8:55 
thank you
Filip 2024 年 9 月 23 日 上午 8:28 
@illima, nowadays its basically:

with nide being the more popular one
illima 2024 年 9 月 23 日 上午 7:50 
any ze server still alive? if still alive please share me
车友车行 2024 年 5 月 7 日 上午 7:35 
Thank you everyone :steamhappy:
18 位交談中
2013 年 8 月 3 日