Fullbright Fullbright
Fullbright Fullbright
2018 年 6 月 13 日
關於 Fullbright

The Creators of Gone Home and Tacoma

Hi there! We're a small independent dev studio from Portland, OR. We make immersive story exploration games. Our first two titles are Gone Home and Tacoma, both of which are available on Steam now! Follow us for updates on our future titles :)

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Tacoma homepage[]
The first entry in the FULLBRIGHT PRESENTS series has hit 1.0!
  • Randomized Scripted Scare Moments: The spiders have escaped their toilets... Players have requested more life to the facility in between bathrooms, so as of v1.0, you may now encounter unexpected events during your playthrough. Keep your eyes peeled...
  • Along with the controller vibration that was added in the last update, there is now DualShock 4/DualSense controller light support on desktop! If you have a PlayStation controller handy, give it a go.
  • "Resource Peek" ability added! I got tired of having to pause the game to check my light bulb/flashbang count when entering a bathroom, so now you can hold R1/Tab at any time to "peek" at what you have in your pockets.
  • Super rare spider kill variant, by request (of a five-year-old.) Exactly one out of the 100 spiders present in the facility has now learned karate.
  • Commentary Mode! Like all Fullbright games, Toilet Spiders now has a dedicated Commentary Mode. Just toggle it on in the options and a selection of Commentary icons will appear throughout the facility. Activating them will give you a little insight into the inspirations for the game, how it was made, how it works under the hood, and other little bits and bobs! It was fun to make and I hope you'll enjoy learning a little bit more about where the game came from. I mean, Half-Life 2 just did it, why not us? Oh, and there's a new Achievement for finding all the Commentary nodes in one run as well.

From this point forward Toilet Spiders will be in maintenance mode-- so if you run into any major bugs, let me know in the Steam discussion forums. And if any new translation languages come in, I'll add those in an update as well! (If you'd like to do a translation into your language and be credited in the game, take a look in the Steam discussion forum for instructions.)

Alright, thank you Volunteers-- and good luck!

A New Fullbright Game is Available... Right Now!!
Toilet. Spiders.

Truly excellent cover art and logo by Markus Bülow[]

In brainstorming ideas for Fullbright Presents entries I've gone far afield, sketching up concepts for cinematic vignettes, digital travelogues,  job simulators, single-room immersive sims, and yes, one darkly comedic, play-the-odds, randomization-based arachnid-centric non-combat survival horror game.

But Toilet Spiders didn't come strictly from my own imagination: my five-year-old daughter Juniper actually gave me the idea, when one day she speculated about what if a spider jumped out of the toilet and scared grandma— and of course my immediate response was, well I could make a video game out of that. Now the game is out, and if you're able to complete it, you'll see that Juniper gets the first line in the credits.

The idea for the game ended up aligning with a number of other conceptual items I'd been wanting to play with: a game set in an abandoned research facility, a straight-up horror game, a game about managing your resources and tilting the odds inspired by the brilliant Buckshot Roulette. And so, for better or worse, TOILET SPIDERS was born.

"What PSYCHO did for showers…

What JAWS did for the ocean…

You’ll never look at a toilet the same way again!"

So, the game is now in its first Early Access version, meaning it's not fully feature- or content complete, and I'm looking to you for input on balance and tuning, bugfinding and general feedback on the state of the game as it approaches 1.0. If you take the time to play the game (and I'll be so grateful if you do,) feel free to post on the game's Steam forum with any feedback you may have! All input will be considered, and will make a huge difference to future versions of the game.

I do hope you'll check out Fullbright Presents TOILET SPIDERS; if you dig it, please leave a Steam review, it's the best way to get more folks onboard!

Thanks for playing, enjoy (?) your time in my lo-fi hell world of giant spiders jumping out of toilets onto your face— and good luck!


2 則留言
JacMayNoble 2024 年 11 月 14 日 上午 11:23 
I said yes
ege 2023 年 11 月 13 日 下午 2:39 
sizin yapacagınız oyuna cima eyleyeyim yarramdan daha kısa oyunmu olur orospuc cocukları keyfi bile çıkmadı
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2018 年 6 月 13 日