Fuck Sweaty Demo FSDFCBFYL
Fuck Sweaty Demo FSDFCBFYL
2022 年 5 月 1 日
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
關於 Fuck Sweaty Demo

♥♥♥♥ Sweaty Demo, Wake Up.

There are a lot of stuffs in a normal Mann VS machine Mann up lobby that can make the game extremely boring and not enjoyable at all for competent players who are there to play a mission having a funny and an enjoyable gameplay and also to complete the mission in a short amount of time but without necessarily speedrunning it.

The most discussed one is surely the Gas Passer, even if in the 90% of the case and lobbies the people who use it don't get the real potential of it and realistically they will not ruin your fun at all, it can still be annoying in the right hands, expecially (for example) in the early Gear Grinder waves.

Another very famous cliché is the typical Sniper with Hitman's Heatmaker on Big Rock who abuse the rock inside the cave with the help of a 'pocket engineer' who gives him teleport a dispenser so he can't be targeted by robots at all and has infinite ammo.

But now, let's be honest, the most annoying fun-ruiner and incredibly the less discussed and criticized one is the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sweaty demo.
Yes, that demoman with Scottish Resistance who will spend thousands of bucks to spam crits to one-shot giants or, in the worst cases, will beg for a pocket crit canteens spam medic to stick up to his ass 24/7.

Indeed is the most dumb and fun-ruiner character that you can find in a lobby at all, in our opinion.

We really don't get why everyone who keeps whining at gas pyros (which are still annoying but surely not at the same level) accepts this type of gameplay way more 'op' of the gas passer or a good sniper as it literally make disappear giant robots and can handle crowds as well if it's played properly.

And again, let's be honest playing sweaty demo don't require any skill at all, you just need to know how the missions are structured which you will easily and naturally learn by playing a tour more then 10/20 times.

In the end, if there are other competent players in your lobby and you play MvM for fun instead of strictly for loot (and if you don't have sever " will of protagonism" type of pathology) , please, avoid this boring ass playstyle and let other teammates have fun, you can still carry in hundreds of other manners which will not make fall a sleep other competent teammates, if they actually want to play (unless they don't care and their okay with being carried and let you do your thing while they sleep, which is cringe even if it happens pretty often but whatever....) you will also have more fun, trust us. ;)
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2022 年 5 月 1 日
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 