กลุ่ม STEAM
2% Decent Men 2%DM
กลุ่ม STEAM
2% Decent Men 2%DM
8 กรกฎาคม 2020
เกี่ยวกับ 2% Decent Men

Just because 98% of men are gross and despicable

Who ruins the world?? MEN!!

Imagine a world where all men are deleted. All the problems in the world would be solved. There will be no more hunger, war, pollution, greed, inequlity and MCPs.

This is not a men hating group, this is a group that understand the fact that 98% of men are pigs.

Growing up I thought many women want to use men; the reality couldn't be more different. I have met very few women who falls into that category. But for men? oh wow I struggle to think of men who are actually decent.

Yes, in Dota, I have met many male gold diggers and 0 female gold digger. I like my friends and I shows I like them by doing what friends do; giving gifts. And I have learned my lesson. After I give gifts, the next things asked of me were to gift them laptop, arcanas, battle pass, money, battle pass levels and the list goes on. Some were even very eager to start a relationship with me but thank God for protecting me.

Apart of being good at gold digging, all the trashtalkers in dota i have met are 100% men and the the girls I have met were all so nice. Yes half of them are there for attention but they are still nice. Respect to girls who are playing dota for the love of the game.

Of the 2% decent men, I have to say that 1.5% of them come from civilised countries. Even if a girl plays dota, they will treat her no differently.

So who ruins the world!!???? MENNNN!!!!
2 ความเห็น
pony trump 13 ก.ค. 2020 @ 7: 43am 
A difficult question on purpose...

A flower rests by the roadside, cat passing by asks"Why are you here?"

A cat resting on a sofa, a little girl asks "Where is the dog?"

A girl looking at the stars, the world asks "Who made you so small?"

The world spins on its axis, a man asks "what good is it for a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul?"
MILL 13 ก.ค. 2020 @ 4: 03am 
anyway what is the ultimate purpose of this group?
5 ในแช็ต
8 กรกฎาคม 2020