The City Servers ethdom2
The City Servers ethdom2
Creat la
8 iulie 2012
United States 
25 comentarii
Ralkdor 25 febr. 2018 la 17:43 
It's funny, I was on the minecraft server years and years ago. Now I turn 18 on friday. Crazy that I've grown up so much, and that this group is still somewhat here. I remember how sad I was seeing the minecraft server go, and how I used to check the website all the time hoping that something I could play would open up. I just want to say I love all of you, and you did help shape how I'd turn out as a teenager. I actually used to get bullied alot, and I considered the people on this server to be some of my only friends, you guys gave me a place to escape the everyday and be happy. Thank you
Tobjv 3 mart. 2017 la 17:55 
hell Frozen over 10 iul. 2016 la 12:45 
SKODEN 1 iun. 2016 la 4:40 
I made a switch over to World of Warcraft.
owiko7 22 dec. 2015 la 19:59 
hi :D
badger 23 mart. 2014 la 14:33 
im a new meber
The Maddening Monarch 21 mart. 2013 la 0:56 
So was playing COD:MW3 today and some guy says my name (realname) and says hes gonna kick me and derank me for 22 days??? is he from this server or something? only way i can think of what its about he also said i played minecraft which is why i came here, all i did was say "and now im here" in a bit crazy voice and he said i was being a ♥♥♥♥ on voice chat???
Breacher 18 dec. 2012 la 9:49 
Anyone here that want a copy of DOTA 2? I have 6 copies to give away.
MrDisplaced 13 sept. 2012 la 8:06 
So who all from the mc server plays? btw this is BILF
HaoRU 21 aug. 2012 la 20:26 
whats the ip address?
Tobjv 18 aug. 2012 la 11:02 
I love this server cause it let me meet and greet 100's of players from veterans to noobs.
I would enjoy Pixeljunk:Eden
What 16 aug. 2012 la 13:00 
I love this server becauseof all the fun funky people playing on it.By fun, I mean Evan, Zachar, Monkey, Anderson.

By funky, I mean funky smell... Tobjv.
I would enjoy Binding of Isaac.
[ΦMA]VoidedScapeGoat 8 aug. 2012 la 20:17 
Audiosurf This server is fun to play on and hte people are very welcoming... Well most of them. Cheers!
RetrowaveBandit 20 iul. 2012 la 22:30 
Ive been with this "Community" of convicts since its formation about 4 - 5 years ago. I stick with the group because for the most part its entertaining, I share interests with a few of them mostly in the area of Sci-Fi and Computer sciences, and seriously after youve known someone for 5 years its not like im just going to stand up and be like.. "Well its been fun.. but im sorry due to my obligations im going to have to let you guys go...". side note id take The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut , been looking for a decent rpg.
Sugarbeard_Inks 20 iul. 2012 la 18:11 
I love the city servers because its the city servers! GOSH! -A Wild Moose {Binding of Issaac}
owiko7 18 iul. 2012 la 14:02 
Audiosurf is the one i want, i love the city servers because the admins and mods are very friendly and help people who need help, also i love the server because of the mmco plugin and for the factions thingy and vehicle mod too :3
owiko7 18 iul. 2012 la 13:57 
Xaros 17 iul. 2012 la 18:27 
The Binding Of Isaac. I love this server, since it is the only good server on minecraft :P all other servers have either an owner who doesnt care about his/her players, or a server that can't rollback griefs.
[EDMN] Velcius 17 iul. 2012 la 16:31 
I have played on The City Servers since the beginning and am considered a Veteran. Everyone on the server sucks at combat except for me and you all will die by my hand if you attempt to challenge me. Come at me bros.

Also, blah blah blah cool server circle jerk
Breacher 17 iul. 2012 la 3:51 
The Binding of Isaac. I love the server beacuse it has one of the best communities and there is always someone active. Because I joined the server over 1 and a half year ago i can see that it has devoloped alot. And with the good admins/moderators on the server now, i beliive it will live for many years to come.
Dalex 16 iul. 2012 la 15:49 
The Witcher: Enchancd Edition Director's Cut, I love the server I have been on since December being a dedicated player being on for the whole night having over 300 game hours before I even came a mod. Being a new player I got attached to vehicles and our spell usage quiet quickly and was eager to get my first one.
[EDMN] Zachar 15 iul. 2012 la 13:00 
The Binding of Issac, I guess because I own it :3 But really... Hosting this server has been a very rewarding, and enjoyable, experiance. I have met many great people over my time with this server. Hope you all have a great summer and great experiences on TheCityServers!
guywithamonsterhog 15 iul. 2012 la 6:07 
The Binding of Isaac, the reason that I havn't left this server like I've done with many other servers is the community/staff. The community, with a few exeptions, is extreamly nice. The staff is very responsive, and friendly. If you have a problem, they're there.
Tobjv 14 iul. 2012 la 21:47 
Also 5000 ingame miencraft dollars will be given to the 2 winners by me.
SKODEN 14 iul. 2012 la 19:27 
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut, I love The City Servers Because the staff actually give a hoot about whats happening