กลุ่ม STEAM
Double Ghastly Gibus Club 2GGC
กลุ่ม STEAM
Double Ghastly Gibus Club 2GGC
30 ตุลาคม 2009
67 ความเห็น
ICS⭐ 4 พ.ค. 2018 @ 1: 48am 
What, no comments in nearly 8 years? Signed. :jarate:
ForestNUT 19 มิ.ย. 2010 @ 2: 30am 
lol my gibus is # 666
the best lumberjack ever 9 พ.ย. 2009 @ 12: 25pm 
I tip my two hats to this gentleman's club. Finally a place lacking in poor/Irish/hatless types.
nexy 7 พ.ย. 2009 @ 1: 02am 
btw, we need to invite everyone on this list

Orgodemir 5 พ.ย. 2009 @ 3: 22pm 
As others have asked, how does one reset an achievement? If I reset my stats it only resets my incomplete achievements.
nexy 4 พ.ย. 2009 @ 5: 23pm 
how DO you reset achievements
Jindo 4 พ.ย. 2009 @ 1: 51pm 
I got my 3 without a 2nd domination <3
Ducky Inc. 4 พ.ย. 2009 @ 12: 25pm 
How do you reset achievements?
reese's piece of shit 4 พ.ย. 2009 @ 12: 20pm 
i didn't need steamachievementmanager for my gibuses.
RoyalewifCheese 3 พ.ย. 2009 @ 10: 55pm 
If you reset your gibus achievement you can get another one by dominating someone wearing one.
nexy 3 พ.ย. 2009 @ 10: 05pm 
also, seriously earthworm jim, howd you get 3 gibus?
share with your undead gentle menne.
nexy 3 พ.ย. 2009 @ 9: 38pm 
lets bring the idea of stacked gibus' back to the top of everyones mind. I would suggest a skin,but then even the single-gibused commoners would appear to have 2. perhaps a petition, or something.
Sgt.Waffles 1 พ.ย. 2009 @ 7: 41am 
But how do you get 3?
<T2> Toddie 1 พ.ย. 2009 @ 7: 02am 
3 gibus's is extreme...

My Items - http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561198005171371
joey 31 ต.ค. 2009 @ 12: 21pm 
Definitely keeping my extra for trading. I only have one other legit hat and this'll be my chance to get another for once.
Sgt.Waffles 31 ต.ค. 2009 @ 5: 59am 
How the hell do some people have 3 gibuses D:

Also: http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561197997967271
Ducky Inc. 31 ต.ค. 2009 @ 2: 06am 
Why would anyone want two gibus hats?
Jindo 31 ต.ค. 2009 @ 1: 28am 
To clarify, I have 3 Gibus* hats! D:

ericplais 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 10: 30pm 
I agree Core Xii, but one can ride the train as far as it goes until it stops.
Xii 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 9: 42pm 
I'm trading my extra away. If you think about it, when the trading system is implemented, anyone has the possibility to gain two or more Ghastly Gibuses by trading for them, and this club loses its uniqueness.
Count Simpula 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 7: 23pm 
eiricorn 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 6: 02pm 
Cow Couch 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 2: 10pm 
if some1 had 3 it would block the sun with pure orsum
MadJewishMax 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 1: 48pm 
Woo, 2 Gibuses
DaTa 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 12: 34pm 
nexy 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 12: 17pm 
RoyalewifCheese 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 11: 22am 

yeah, I think I'm the only one with TWO Gibus'
Br00k3a133n 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 11: 09am 

Second page of my backpack at the bottom.

Mmmmm, 2 Gibus' - we should be able to wear them both, on top of each other.
Passive Engie 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 11: 07am 
If I could I'd wear both at once over my paper bag.
KªMi!^ 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 10: 44am 

Ignore the horribly cluttered items. :<
PsychoDuck 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 10: 19am 
http://www.tf2items.com/profiles/76561197995196645 Double Gibus is me. Also, most-viewed backpack today is me. Woo!
LPcaboose 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 10: 10am 
Ohhh having two gibuses,one for each head *wink*

Amplitude 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 9: 40am 
Even better than a gibus?
Two gibuses!!!
ICS⭐ 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 9: 19am 
Mmmmm.... gibus...
Hazy 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 9: 13am 
You guys want to know what's awesome?
Having two Gibus hats!

Thirsty Bird 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 9: 10am 
Doctor Rotcod 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 7: 46am 

Only foolish simpletons would stroll around carrying only ONE elegant Gibus.
Odin 30 ต.ค. 2009 @ 7: 45am 

I was poor and irish until yesterday ;)