Death's Hussars ~DH=
Death's Hussars ~DH=
6 mars 2010
United States 
OM Death's Hussars

Death's Hussars, never give up the attack, we Always ride fast, Always strike our enemies weaknesses, we strive for victory!

Only the deadliest of Total war gamers will join our fearless ranks, only the most aggressive yet cunning will be invited.

Hussars, the most fastest and deadliest of all Cavalry, we strike unforgivingly, our great mission is to bring an end to the weak-minded known as campers, even the almighty unicorn has been brought down to it's knees by us Death's Hussars!

Our Rules:

1. Once in DH, All members must bear the name of the Death's Hussars (DH Tag) in your name, we spread the glory of DH through our victories.

2. Don't cheat. For you will embarass yourself to DH, if you don't like the rules, find another game.

3. Don't spam, this proves that you contain weak strategies.

4. Always push forward, even if it means crossing vast hills and wide rivers. Nothing stops us.

5. Be respectful and don't insult your opponent, Save your words and let their own childish ways prove their foolishness.

6. Don't leave the battle. Some of the most hopeless of battles have been won by even a simple tactical move. Never believe it's over. If you are not the victor, then be noble enough and admit defeat.

7. Always be fearless and never let down your guard! Stars mean nothing to us Hussars, only more for us to take.

8. Those who act foolish like will be dealt with, The admins will decide to either forgive you, or simply kick. You will most likely not join (DH) if the admins do not find favor in you.

9. Admins cannot delete any comments (unless the comments are causing unnecessary problems)

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2 124 kommentarer
Old Blood And Guts 27 jul, 2023 @ 23:44 
its been 9 years since the last comment... people said Tyler and I would not continue playing... people said we would just fade away... we both will tell any of those haters out there they are wrong... DH and RM are not dead... the strength of those great clans reside within us. Tyler and I still play all these years later. All of the craziness and controversies aside we still play total war. And pwn noobs wherever they go. We rape and pillage like the RM of old we Destroy and decimate.. we do not retreat and continue forth on the attack like DH... the clan is very much alive in us. Although we dot have the following like we once had. We have been and always will be some of the OG's of total war. Twas great to play with you all in our golden years. If anyone wants to start anew... hit me up...
Old Blood And Guts 27 jul, 2023 @ 23:43 
i'm ready to do this... to become the rapist I once was long ago... to become the death hussar of old... to become the glorious general who decimated clans... who wanked on their hopeful glories.. to pwn them where they thought they were going to be victors. to molester them into their greatest defeats... to pwn thier buttoxes where no man has gone before... that is the victories of the DH and RM clans contributed to total war... may non of our valiant victories or gracious defeats be forgotten over time... and to the titan clan... make sure you follow titan noob total war as we wanked on you like no clan has done before. and we are proud of that....
Old Blood And Guts 27 jul, 2023 @ 23:42 
Clan RM... CLan DH thank you all for our times has been awhile for me to tell all of you how I feel. God Bless... just remember this... Sun tzu once stated the general who knows thyself and knows thy enemies 1000 battles 1000 victories the general who knows thyself and not the enemy 1000 battles 500 victories... the general who knows not them self or the enemy 1000 battles 1000 defeats... DH and RM were great clans who learned a lot... we did not get the recognition we desired from the total war community however we had some of the best players in the game! I salute you all for that. thank you for making our clan great. it was a pleasure and an honor to play with all of you. I hope you all are doing well. if anyone wants to play please don't hesitate to contact me..

Truly yours,

~RM= (DH) General Patton
(Son of God)정지언 20 aug, 2014 @ 14:50 
patton u forgot add on my sex tape
Old Blood And Guts 20 aug, 2014 @ 14:44 
quote of the day "2:41 PM -
2:41 PM - Yi Soon Shin: yes?
2:41 PM - Yi Soon Shin: eh
2:42 PM - Yi Soon Shin: i got a new number two pencel
2:42 PM - Yi Soon Shin: yay
2:42 PM - Yi Soon Shin: the pencil will stick to my anus
2:42 PM - Yi Soon Shin: wont be empty anymore
2:43 PM - Pattonsan: LOL
2:43 PM - Pattonsan: wtf
2:43 PM - Pattonsan: r u talking about"
Old Blood And Guts 20 sep, 2013 @ 13:49 
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