Daley Gaming Yotube DaleyGaming
Daley Gaming Yotube DaleyGaming
Fondé le
11 avril 2015
United States 
104 commentaires
WhyDoWeHaveToFindX 24 aout 2024 à 15h40 
where did daley get the clone riot troopers
subjectcoyote22 22 févr. 2024 à 12h54 
anyon up for men of war assualt squad
dirty harry 12 déc. 2023 à 13h33 
i like ur vids
vSaber4k 7 juil. 2023 à 20h43 
Hey Daley, I see a similar comment but I'm also watching your Men of War battle tutorial, it helps a lot! Thank you and God Bless, I like your Star Wars content
WhyDoWeHaveToFindX 7 aout 2022 à 18h05 
Penjamin 18 juin 2022 à 8h27 
yo is this group dead
Xx_yaoitron9000xX 19 mars 2021 à 18h14 
Capt.Sparow 19 nov. 2020 à 14h00 
can someone tell me link to daley star wars mod for mowas2
LordSion 10 oct. 2020 à 17h35 
is there a place i can find ship interiors for galaxy at war
incrediblejumpyboar 19 sept. 2020 à 22h13 
Hey Daley, I just watched ur vid tutorial on how to create a men of war battle. Using ur video I was able to learn how to create way-points and I'm very happy with it . Thanks Daley!
BADSTAR437 4 juil. 2020 à 9h50 
Daley can you make a vidio abaout how you created the galaxy map for Rico`s Brigade?
Buffet Barbarian 3 juil. 2020 à 21h14 
hello i was wondering if youy watch youtube. its cause i have a youtube channel and it is B1G BO1. I would really appreciate it if you would sub to me channel
Buffet Barbarian 1 juil. 2020 à 15h20 
I am trying to grow on YouTube please sub to B1G BO1
Buffet Barbarian 1 juil. 2020 à 15h20 
Hello everyone
scottsbucs 1 juin 2020 à 10h40 
I Saw someone wondering what mod daley uses for Xcom, it's a whole modlist, there's no 'Conversion Mod'

To my memory, he used to have a modlist on the first season of Xcom and he's added and removed mods throughout the seasons, but it should give you a basic starting point.
incrediblejumpyboar 14 mai 2020 à 17h47 
Esron 12 mai 2020 à 11h12 
Lynch07 14 avr. 2020 à 10h58 
incrediblejumpyboar 11 avr. 2020 à 17h07 
No, to create battles you go into the GEM editor.

i personally use the editor to make GAW battles.

Daley also has a video showing how to use the editor.
Lynch07 9 avr. 2020 à 16h21 
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if you need skirmish in men of wat assault squad 2 to create the battles Daley does.
Thanks, ur boi MupMupMuppa
incrediblejumpyboar 2 déc. 2019 à 21h21 
I think
incrediblejumpyboar 2 déc. 2019 à 21h21 
clone wars conversion mod
Chuddah 28 nov. 2019 à 8h28 
What mod does daley use for XCOM 2
incrediblejumpyboar 26 aout 2019 à 12h12 
star wars recreated is second only to Rico's Brigade for me
super alex swan 19 aout 2019 à 17h49 
Daley I have an Umbaran map for your star wars recreated series.
incrediblejumpyboar 17 aout 2019 à 14h18 
lord gonk blessed daley's live stream today
imcommandercody 6 juil. 2019 à 12h08 
do you mean empire at war or men of war assault squad 2?
Ramir 6 juil. 2019 à 9h27 
I have inportant questions which game is the mod clone wars on steam or the title of the game what is the part of it men of war which part ?
imcommandercody 16 avr. 2019 à 10h50 
developer version
genesiseight 16 avr. 2019 à 10h37 
whats dev version??
imcommandercody 16 avr. 2019 à 6h03 
i haven't had my morning coffee
imcommandercody 16 avr. 2019 à 6h00 
imcommandercody 16 avr. 2019 à 6h00 
he might bet them form the dev version
genesiseight 16 avr. 2019 à 5h21 
Where is he getting the maps from mowas2 which he is playing on in his Videos??
imcommandercody 7 avr. 2019 à 12h25 
looking for someone to play gaw with anyone in?
imcommandercody 4 avr. 2019 à 4h52 
star wars trick's is not mine
goonpatrol37 25 mars 2019 à 15h33 
u have way better jokes than me
goonpatrol37 25 mars 2019 à 15h32 
imcommandercody 24 mars 2019 à 17h18 
anakin master windu tell me a joke
mace the rank of master
anakin i don't get it
mace i know you don't
imcommandercody 22 mars 2019 à 10h20 
not mine
imcommandercody 22 mars 2019 à 10h19 
he deflects your blaster
he ends your party faster
but most importantly
he does not grant you the rank of master
imcommandercody 17 mars 2019 à 13h40 
anakin raises gaint mountian
in lava?
goonpatrol37 12 mars 2019 à 18h02 
don't pity me
goonpatrol37 12 mars 2019 à 18h02 
i am bad at jokes
goonpatrol37 12 mars 2019 à 18h02 
never mind
imcommandercody 11 mars 2019 à 10h38 
goonpatrol37 10 mars 2019 à 17h50 
obi wan: you can't win i have the high ground
*anakin raises gaint mountian
obi wan:@#@$#$%#$@
Daley 4 mars 2019 à 20h09 
imcommandercody 4 mars 2019 à 17h38 
empire protac
empire attac
but most improtantly empire strike back