STEAM グループ
=The Division= =|SHD|=
STEAM グループ
=The Division= =|SHD|=
=The Division= について

Welcome to The Division!

We were always told it might come to this... that one day, everything we ever knew would end. We were activated as a last resort.
We are The Division. When Society falls, We Rise.

Now! you are part of The Division!
We have one goal! bring happiness to those who have yet to taste.
This group inspired by a Ubisoft's game named : Tom Clancy's: The Division.

It's hard to see something you love destroy itself and fall apart. But someone needs to be there to pick it up, to push back. Your purpose lies amongst all of this pain. You will have to fight, to save, to put it all back together.

What do we do?

> Play Games
> Making Friends
> Having Fun
> Helping each other
> Trading

If you have some question, ask the group Admin or Moderator

> DaRogue

There cannot be any hope for tomorrow, if we don't fight for today.

The Division Update 1.8
Tom Clancy's The Division PC System Requirements
=The Division= 件のレビュー
"Realistic Games, FPS Games, and Survival Games"
=The Division= による最近のレビュー
102 件のコメント
Keidzi 2022年3月5日 10時03分 
looking for a friend and partner, the language is Russian and a little English (I can explain myself) If you are not afraid of friendship with the "evil" Russian and immerse yourself in the game like me (tactics, then tactics, slasher, then slasher), then answer.
AnnaAckerman 2021年3月17日 20時23分 
hello there is some body still playing this, if so pls add me im lvl 7 but i get it around the game have fun people
Drayden [40rus] 2020年12月1日 7時54分 
for whom it is not difficult, put a like on the gif in the storefront :td_Hazard::td_Mask:
gruntville 2018年9月21日 6時22分 
hey all, I no-life division whenever I get a chance to slay. Always down for pvp, pve, GE grind, etc. My ubisoft is "gruntville"
NME 2018年7月28日 18時02分 
Hello everyone. I've just come over from Xbox and was wondering if I could get an XP carry, since the XP grind through normal means is pretty boring. Would anyone mind assisting me?
FaaeRw 2018年4月5日 8時49分 
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Русское сообщество
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