Counter Strike:Global Offensive GiveAway! CGA!
Counter Strike:Global Offensive GiveAway! CGA!
게임 중
2015년 2월 2일
Counter Strike:Global Offensive GiveAway! 정보


Giveaways of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive stuff!

-> Now, you can't make raffles. Doing it will result in a permanent ban of the group. Free giveaways are still permitted, and you can do them right there.

-> Making giveaways that involves Facebook (liking or sharing pages), Twitter, Youtube or any other social network will result in 1 week ban at the 1st time, if you repat it you get banned permanently.

-> Advertisement of any other Steam group will result in a 1 week ban.

-> Begging for stuff will result in a 1 week ban at 1st time, if you repeat it you get banned permanently.

-> We have no tolerance to insults or racism. If you do it, you'll get a permanent ban from the group.

-> Spamming will result in a 1 month ban.

-> If we have enough proof that you're trying to scam someone at the trade section of the forums, you'll be banned permanently.

-> Community Giveaways threads that have no reply for 1 week or more will be locked.

-> Trades threads that don't have any reply for over 2 weeks will get deleted. This is to make the forums clean.

-> If you've won a giveaway but you don't have CS:GO on that account, you won't be able to get the item.

Feel free to donate anything!

[ ] 100 members
[ ] 500 members
[ ] 1000 members
[ ] 2000 members
[ ] 3000 members
[ ] 4000 members
[ ] 5000 members
[ ] 6000 members
[ ] 7000 members
[ ] 8000 members
[ ] 9000 members
[ ] 10000 members
인기 토론글
최근 공지
We need 24 members only for first GIVEAWAY!
40 more member for giveaway!
댓글 2
Tixa 2015년 2월 2일 오후 12시 44분 
Thank you giveaway SOON
Malfo 2015년 2월 2일 오전 8시 54분 
그룹 멤버
게임 중
0 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2015년 2월 2일
관계된 게임