Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC] CompSniping
Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC] CompSniping
15 de marzo de 2011
ACERCA DE Competitive Sniping Mw2 [PC]

The Official Competitive Sniping Ranks

Ranking, List and Youtube-Channel of
all Competitive Sniping Clans in the
"Official Competitive Sniper Ranking [PC]"
Link below.

Competitive Sniping Rules:

Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2

- Intervention
- Only FMJ or Extended Mags are allowed

Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power

Blast Shield should or Throwing Knife be the only equipment use to avoid accidents

Special Grenade:
Not allowed

Death Streaks:
Copycat ONLY

Most played Maps and Gametype:

Terminal - HQ
Highrise - CTF
Skidrow - HQ
Favela - CTF
Scrapyard - HQ


- For the following rules if there is a * beside a rule then it has been changed from the default settings. If it is not after a rule then there is no change to the default rules -

In-Game Rules (These don't change for any game mode):
- Player Options
Number of Lives: Unlimited
Respawn Delay: 5 Seconds*
Max Health: Miniscule*
Health Regeneration: Fast*
Killcam: Enabled

- Team Options
Spectating: Team Only
Wave Spawn Delay: None
Force Respawn: Enabled
Radar Always On: No
Friendly Fire: Disabled

- Gameplay Options
Headshots Only: Disabled
Perks: Enabled
Killstreak Rewards: Disabled*
HardCore Mode: Disabled
3rd Person: Disabled

Gametype Rules:

- Game Rules
Time Limit: Unlimited*
Score Limit: 250 Points
HQ Lifetime: 45 Seconds*
HQ Activate Delay: 15 Seconds*

- Game Rules
Time Limit: Unlimited*
Score Limit: 5 Points*

Side Rules:

- No hardscoping (A hardscope is defined as killing someone while holding your breath and/or killing someone while you scope is up for more than 0.5 seconds).
- No Jumpshots (Hardscoping while jumping)
- If a team agrees to a clan match and then leaves in game then it is a win to the team that stays
- The first game is hosted by team A then the second by team B, if it goes to a third game then a neutral host must be picked (indiviual who is host can't play)
- If a player commits a kill by any other method rather than a quickscope, it is a warning UNLESS the kill made a MAJOR impact on the gameplay (Then the map will be replayed). The second offense is a automatic forfeit.
- Before any game a lag test must occur (Set up a FFA and let everyone play to determine if the connection is sufficent - if everyone has a 3 bar or higher this is ok)
- In sabotage when the time limit is reached and no winner is found the game is ended and restarted but each team plays on a different side (i.e. play on top team first game, you play on bottom team second game and vice-versa)
- The hosting team picks map and game type first, then it is the oppositions choice, and if it reachs the third game then team A picks map and team B picks game type.
- only 5vs5 count as clanwar.
- A clan match is counted only if the leader of both teams is present. If a team has more than one leader, it is still ok as long as at least one is present.

Official Competitive Sniper Ranking [PC][]
Competitive Sniping Home YT
PC Competitive Sniping™ | 2011 YT
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43 comentarios
SammyySosaa 8 DIC 2015 a las 1:41 p. m. 
are you guys still active?
LawsonLion 13 JUL 2014 a las 5:10 p. m. 
Pretty new to the game on pc, anyone want to 1v1? (for fun?)
Bouriquèet 20 OCT 2013 a las 7:56 a. m. 
SEEK 2 vs 2 sniping mw2
all we have is time 10 MAY 2013 a las 9:00 a. m. 
Just came from xbox. was ranked#7 marathon(gamertag "Chillin") Free agent need team/scrim partners. add me up
Fl0w_. 23 ABR 2013 a las 3:28 p. m. 
Boujour tout le monde, Vous connaissaient la Restard The Game. C'est une communauté ESL, alors nous allons crée une section e-Sniping, est nous allons organisé des CUP,... Donc si vous voulez plus en s'avoir posez moi la question ! Faites tounez ! --->Personne a contacter: "limk54" et "JohnMcCullivan"
feral 21 ABR 2013 a las 2:18 p. m. 
Hosting Scrim Message or Join session ^.^
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15 de marzo de 2011