กลุ่ม STEAM
Black Mesa - Israel BMS.il
กลุ่ม STEAM
Black Mesa - Israel BMS.il
25 กรกฎาคม 2008
เกี่ยวกับ Black Mesa - Israel

The Official Israeli Black Mesa Group

Watch The HD Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/293049.html?playlist=featured

What tha Hell is Black Mesa!?
Black mesa: Source is a remake of half life (1) with the orange box engine grapichs. with the massive gaming of half life 1 and the grapichs of the orange box we will get one
of the best first person shooter games ever made. As you know half life 1 won twice at 1997 and 1998 as the best game of the year!

Why The game isn't out yet!?
The work on black mesa had started at the end of 2004 and now the work is about to be finished.
With all of the main frame builded by half life 1, there was still a lot of work on the
new models. and the main reason was because half life 1 is a very long game (even more then half life 2).
Another thing thats still delaying the release of the game, is the transformation of the grapichs, when the creators of black mesa has started the work on black mesa they design it to work on the 2004 source engine grapichs, now they have decided to change the graphic engine to the newer source engine (2007). to give us gamers a better graphic experience.

The black Mesa game will contain the full story of half life 1 with the new source models.

When it will be out we will have:
-New maps with the source models that are based exactly on half life 1 maps.
-New improved Weapons that are based on half life 1 weapons.
-Same classic story with massive gameplay addons
-Improved new enemies look (Scientists,Gargantua,Bullsquid,Marines and more...)
-Improved new models (Environment Models and all vehicle models)
-Multiplayer Gaming (dethmatch,team dethmatch)
-co-op story line (you will be able to finish the game with your friends at a public private server)

*Play as Gordon Freeman and survive the attack of the xen and the marines on black mesa science facillity.
if you did not finished half life you must play black mesa when it will be out, if you will not finish black mesa.
dont call yourself a half life addict :)

*For all of the non-half life 1 community who finished only half life 2.
Just know that the main story of city 17 at half life 2 is built on the story of half life 1 (85% of the main ideas of the game story is half life 1)
No wonder you were like WTF is going on !?

Download the HD trailer (Recomended)

Media And pictures:
Watch this Url to see pictures of the maps, weapons and concepts of the game

Download Music and wallpapers:

Black Mesa... is the real thing when the game will be out we will have the chance to enjoy half life again in better grapichs...

The Main Developer Website[www.blackmesasource.com]
The Main Steam Group
Update-04 : Happy Birthday Half-Life !
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25 กรกฎาคม 2008