Balkan Counter-Strike League BCSL1
Balkan Counter-Strike League BCSL1
게임 중
2011년 6월 15일
Balkan Counter-Strike League 정보

Balkan Counter Strike League

After months of struggling, we are finally able to spread the word:

Balkan Counter Strike League is on its way.

Yes, you heard it right! After our famous Balkan DotA League, we are starting with new project, the Counter Strike 1.6 league. We invited top balkan teams, and most of them accepted our invitation. Also, few non-balkan teams will play the Balkan CS League, and hopefully these teams will bring us some epic clashes.

The system will be similar to our BDL, yet for the first seasons we made it invite only. The league will feature 32 teams, divided in two divisions. We are going to decide how will it work with playoffs, but probably top3 teams from DIV1 and #1 ranked team from Div2 will battle it out for The best Balkan team. The sign-up costs 30euro, and all invited teams got information how to pay.

If your team majority (3 ingame players) are from the countries listed above, you can sign up for this tournament. If your team majority is not from one of the above mentioned countries, do not sign up!
The league will start any time soon, and will last not longer than two months. After the Season One is over, we are going to accept all the teams from Balkans + invite some other teams.

Balkan CS League Offical Site[]
Balkan League Portal[]
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DEFUSE Highlights
댓글 4
ONE_SHOOT_ONE_KILL 2024년 1월 6일 오전 8시 03분 
Have a nice day counter strike player
bazzy 2020년 7월 21일 오전 5시 25분 
ye boi
Balkan Discord 2018년 9월 30일 오후 2시 10분 
Balkan Server ✅ za sve igrace sa balkana ima nas 700 membera:

Igramo rust,pubg,roe, scum , cs , fornite i sve ostale poznate igre.
Dodjite na balkan discord. ✅
VuKA 2011년 7월 20일 오전 7시 14분 
ako zelite postati član CS:S Hattrick klana javite nam se preko naseg foruma:
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2011년 6월 15일