Battle Battalion bypp
Battle Battalion bypp
게임 중
2014년 5월 24일
Battle Battalion 정보

Buckle your pants, please.

Welcome! If you are reading this then I hope that you are the newest recruit for the Battle Battalion, the BattleBlock Theatre community based clan!

Here is just a neat little place you can meet new Co-Op players to mess around with (or kill)! We are a respectable community, so all that we ask it that you are nice to eachother, the actual game causes enough stress as it is.

Don't forget to invite all your BattleBlock buddies, so we can expand this little community! Everyone is welcome to join in on our weekly/daily giveways and game sessions! Spread the word!

Current Staff

PaxMePro - Head Admin
Harveysaur - Founder
Vespeox - Head Recruitment Officer, Head Mod, Tournament Organiser
DABUTT - Moderator
Purham Furbottom - Recruitment Officer
NACHOMILK - Recruitment Officer
Abnatha Pryde, ElectroMite, Barber, PaxMePro, MrCreamJeans, mikiec2000 - Gem farmer


Grizzly (+)
Capn Smokey
Cereal Delivery Boy
Ryuk Loves Apples the 2nd (+)
FancyCyclops (+)
Myaskol (++)
Cat in the Hat
Abnatha Pryde (++)
[GO] Rin (+)
Retro Moustache (++)
new guy in town (+)
Whiskas (+)
Not Justin
The Cat in the Hat
Supermaxis12GR (++)
The Alpaca
Novelistic (++)
ElectroMite (+)
Transhuman Navou (++)
Rosden Sh4dOw (+)
MrCreamJeans (++)
PaxMePro (++)
Tsar (++)
mikiec2000 (++)
MegaPixlz (++)
mikiec2000 (++)
Scoot1512 (++)
Kape (++)
Pannox (++)
Mr. Bongtastic (+)
Baumstumpf_no1 (++)

~ Mega Monthly Giveaway Hall of Fame ~

WeedUnicorn [/i] - June 2014
mikiec2000 [/i] - July 2014
Gamefemale [/i] - August 2014

Donators will recieve special bonus prizes at giveaways, win Group Player of the Week, and may enter the Jackpot prize for a reduced fee. Any donations will be appreciated (Gems, Heads, Trading Cards, Yarn etc.) that we can use in our giveaways! (You will be credited for them)
인기 토론글
최근 공지
Hey Guys!
댓글 34
Die Lorelei 2014년 10월 3일 오후 4시 20분 
how do i donate?
Alan_2X 2014년 8월 2일 오후 9시 41분 
Do someone wanna play right now? :spycon:
PERRIEGRINE_ 2014년 7월 16일 오후 5시 41분 
Our second batch of tournament maps are available in Alpha now! The Fall set of maps will be made by PaxMePro! Feel free to check them out! The Summer Tournament play-offs will start next week! Stay tuned! x
Pax 2014년 7월 16일 오후 5시 38분 
Anyone intrested in looking at some fall tournament maps, check them out in the workshop
MikieC2000 2014년 7월 9일 오후 6시 54분 
I'd be interested in gem farming I play BattleBlock Theater almost every day so add me or comment. I could be able to donate and collect some gems for you guys. If you want to talk or ask any questions add me.
Pax 2014년 7월 9일 오후 12시 14분 
I have a job, but may I also have another?
Comment me if you want to ask me questions.
게임 중
2 채팅 중
채팅방 입장
2014년 5월 24일
관계된 게임