:/__ZEAL__\: |ZEAL|
:/__ZEAL__\: |ZEAL|
14 de Agosto de 2014
Faroe Islands 
SOBRE :/__ZEAL__\:

“Audaces fortuna iuvat~{Fortune favors the bold}."

Clan Founded: August 15, 2014

Welcome to the Clan of ZEAL,

Latitudines alarum et gloria : Wingspans and glory.

Quote- "Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn't even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back." Heraclitus

ZEAL is a multi-national gathering of players involved mainly in TW games. Ranging from The East Coast of the US to the West Coast of Europe and beyond we strive to incorporate many different members with differing playstyles and experience. We are a fairly new clan in the TW world compaired to some, but we strive above all to have a more active clan then most. The main goal is to provide a interesting clan experience where members can become better players, gain entry to community events, play friendly games, get posted vids on youtube etc. The rules below this section state more about this Clan and how we intend to operate in the future. If by these actions we win reknown then so be it we strive only to be recognized and to have some fun while battling it out. Check us out!!!

ZEAL Guidelines:
I. Respect all Members, Mods, Admins and respected TW players.
II. No Cheating, Glitching, PT or Drophacking ect while in game, Unless agreed.
III. Must wear the ZEAL tag (however feel free to be creative).
IV. Good Behavior & Sportsmanship is a must on and off the battlefield.
V. No Clan Mixing (Except by permission).
VI. All New Clan Members and potential recruits MUST add Admins.
VII. Microphone is a must, for contact purposes.
VIII. Clan members must remain active. Make aware a council member or moderator if you have a issue in life that obviously take presidence over gaming.
IX. All members must block the player Grizzly, or whatever his current name happens to be, on steam.

War Council of ZEAL:
Honorary Lord Protector of ZEAL: Helvetian~Slayer
War Lord of ZEAL: Swordsmith

Master of Seers: Last Legion
Justicar: Mr.Sniffles
Recruiter: Cicero
Minister of Propoganda: Nefarion

Moderator positions:
Youtube Moderator: Briggs
Mod Support: bnollbnoll
Mod Support: Kuptain
Trainer/Recruiter Assistant: Saucisson
Judicial Assistant:

Nominal Friends of ZEAL:
I: Sons of Heracles {SH}
II: Gaurdians of Avalon -([AVA)]-
III: Total War Rebels [-TWR-]
VI: First Guards -|FG|-

Briggs Replay Group:

ZEAL 3.0 Balance Group:

Zealous Balance Group:

Briggs Ware Channel:
Bnollbnoll's Channel:
ZEAL Recruiting page:
VER TUDO (433)
who still checks this page?
Warhammer TW on Discount
457 comentários
Briggs 4 de fev. às 10:10 
Could someone please invite Xanthippos back to the group? :)
Not sure if I have permissions.
ZEVA<~{Helvetian~Slayer}~> 30 dez. 2018 às 19:39 
Thanx Waffles and Legion. :), gg's in R2 btw.
ZEVA<~{Helvetian~Slayer}~> 29 dez. 2018 às 0:40 
I'll make this quite clear, im not sure what ya guys think ya doin by wearing the old tag but its quite insulting to the current clan, our past history and to me. if you guys want to come back to ZEVA thats cool we can talk but please dont wear the old tag. Ive spent years trying to get stupid people from wearing and besmirching our name. Dont be those people. If you have any respect for time spent in the clan and torwards me I would ask w/e this is to stop. Not sure if ya guys are trying to be funny. I'm ssrly not laughing. thanx for doing so in advance. Heres to old times but trying to do it this way is just not gonna work.
SPC Dog 25 dez. 2018 às 18:58 
Bringing back ZEAL in Star Wars Empire at War!!!
Briggs 29 ago. 2016 às 4:45 
Ahaha what even?! X'D
clementi 28 ago. 2016 às 18:54 
Penultimate TOTAL total war: Total War War Total TOTAL war-Revenant
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